Hunter Biden Plea Bargain

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Revision as of 15:02, 27 July 2023 by Eric Rasmusen (talk | contribs) (New Stories, Tweets, etc.)
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This page will be for documents relevant to the 2023 Hunter Biden criminal case, and to the plea bargain in particular. It is under construction.

[Here put a summary of the case. ]

Court Documents

  • July 26 hearing transcript (not available via PACER]

Statutes and Rules

  • Flynn case order by Judge Sullivan appointing a court-chosen amicus because he didn't trust the Justice Dept. (I wrote an amicus for In Re Flynn myself.)

Other Documents

  • The transcript of the IRS agent talking to the House of Representatives committee about Hunter Biden's tax investigation for three hours.

New Stories, Tweets, etc.

  • July 27 Axios article highly sympathetic to Hunter, suggesting that lawyer Lowell saw things were going badly for lawyer Clark and wants to stop things from being fouled up.