Negative Comments

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Why do you think women don’t belong in the workplace as well as the LGBTQ community and people of color? Shows your character more than anything.

Evening sir You kinda s--- Take care Actually don’t take care. Get hit by a bus.

I would just like you to know how much of a scum rat person you are. Being a privileged white student like myself at your university I am more than ashamed of your comments. I wish you nothing but the worst in your future endeavors. All men are created equal, and people for that matter, you’re a stereotypical Econ/conservative/white supremacist bigot that does not qualify for tenure at a very diverse and international university. It’s almost 2020, yet you live as if it is 1820. Idiotic scum.

Stop hiding your sexism behind you’re faith. You are a bigot plain and simple

Bruh you a clown