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Revision as of 08:15, 8 April 2024 by Eric Rasmusen (talk | contribs) (DNA Differences)
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DNA Differences

  • From a tweet, "Even two San from different groups both living in Namibia’s Northern Kalahari desert, and speaking click languages from the same family, are more genetically distinct from one another, by a solid 20%, than a person from Stockholm is from a person from Shanghai."


August Meier and Elliott Rudwick, Phylon 2nd Qtr., 1967, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2nd Qtr., 1967), pp. 178-184.


  • A 2021 Razib Khan review of Murray's Facing Reality book in Quillette that soberly looks at the psychology of liberal denial of reality.


Racial Preferences

  • David Bernstein tweet: " When the U Mich Law faculty debated whether to include Cuban Americans for Hispanic preferences, "one professor objected on the grounds that Cubans were Republican." Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 US at 393."
