Police Tactics

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"One guarantee about technology—whether it's law enforcement, military, or civilian, as you know working with computers or cell phones—when you really need it, it fails. Mechanical devices aren't affected by batteries going weak, barbs in TASERs being the wrong distance apart, or wires breaking."...

"If you have somebody who's an excited delirium suspect, and he's playing Tyrannosaurus Rex and nothing seems to be stopping him, impact force may be the only thing that you have because maybe deadly force isn't available to you based on the totality of the circumstances. Maybe impact force won't stop him, but it might break bones so that he can't stand any more or grab your other use-of-force options, or choke you, or poke your eyes out."...

"We train if one officer is deploying a TASER, then the other officer is ready with lethal force. Or if the TASER is ineffective and the situation hasn't escalated to where lethal force would be justified, the second officer would use the baton. Especially with the expanding batons, the motion of expanding it is almost a type of visual escalation to let somebody know, 'Oh, don't hit me with that thing.'"...

Young cites five important roles that batons serve:

  • They serve as a positive and professional visual deterrent.
  • They allow officers to strike harmoniously with greater knock down power.
  • They can be used as a restraint weapon.
  • They easily transition between blocking, striking, and restraining.
  • They allow for transition from a non-lethal scenario to a lethal scenario.



Kettling is sometimes described as "corralling," likening the tactic to the enclosure of livestock. Although large groups are difficult to control, this can be done by concentrations of police. The tactic prevents the large group breaking into smaller splinters that have to be individually chased down, thus requiring the policing to break into multiple groups.

The cordon is then maintained for a number of hours, during which it may be reduced in size. It varies as to whether protestors are entirely prevented from leaving, or allowed to leave in controlled numbers through a designated exit. The aim is to contain the protestors until they are no longer in the mood for protesting and want to go home, at which point the cordon is lifted. Peter Waddington, a sociologist and former police officer who helped develop the theory behind kettling, wrote: "I remain firmly of the view that containment succeeds in restoring order by using boredom as its principle weapon, rather than fear as people flee from on-rushing police wielding batons." --https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettling