Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Portsmouth II

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

We visited Portsmouth a second time. It was the day Portsmouth won the Division II football cup, so the Dockyard was not crowded at all, but there were many people in blue and white on the streets with jester hats and flags, and many cars honking.

Portsmouth is a wonderful tourist city. We still should go back again.

Amelia and the Warrior on the Harbor Tour
A Destroyer

“Action Stations” is a museum in which you pretend that you are in the Royal Navy. All the children liked it, but especially Benjamin, who loved shooting guns at approaching aircraft.

Amelia Climbing Up
Amelia Climbing Down

Amelia Climbing
Elizabeth in Harness

The Mary Rose Museum, about a ship of Henry VIII which sank in Portsmouth Harbor and was raised recently, is very very good. It has the best armor you can put on (both adult and child sized) and weapons (including a 15 foot pike you can try lifting) I have seen.

Henry VIII
Katherine of Aragon
Jane Seymour

Soldier I
Soldier II

Singing at the Dragon

Friday, May 16th, 2008

Mom went to hear Lizzie sing with her class at a jamboree at the Dragon School. Afterwards Lizzie went home with a friend.

Lizzie Singing at the Dragon School

A Real Coconut in the Backyard

Sunday, May 11th, 2008
Huddled Round It
The Coconut

The Stakes Visit Oxford

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

On Nuffield Tower

The Castle Hill from Nuffield Tower



Alison and Amelia,   at the Trout, Wolvercote, a pub frequently seen on Morse (tv detective series).
Lily at the Trout

A Trout Peacock

Jousting and Falconry at Blenheim Palace

Friday, May 9th, 2008

Last Saturday we went to see the jousting at Blenheim Palace. We bought sausage sandwiches and Pimm’s with cucumbers and oranges in it.

Blenheim Palace

4 Kids Running on the South Lawn

The Children All Watching Horses
The Victorian Storyteller


Four Children and Lances Stacked
A Blue Knight