Archive for July, 2008

An Afternoon in the Air

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

Dad’s coauthor David took him flying earlier this week, and it was most enjoyable. David said it wasn’t a very smooth day, but the bouncing wasn’t bothersome. Seeing Oxford’s topography from the air was fascinating.

David Fuelling

The Bomber Base with Its Bunkers

Phil and Jim’s and the Allotments

Phil and Jim’s/td>

The Instrument Panel

Port Meadow
St. Giles and the Oxford University Press

The Speedometer

Medieval Crop Strips (South Oxford)

Nature Preserve Next to Port Meadow
David’s Profile

Port Meadow

The Trap Grounds

Landing I

Landing II

Elizabeth’s Eighth Birthday Party

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

Elizabeth’ birthday party was at the Hinksey Park.


Benjamin Stalking

Benjamin Hurling a Hoop
Children Eating
Kitty J. and Others

Noah and Dad and Others
The Cake

