Oxford to Dover, Eu, and Caen

On Sunday, Dad, Faith, and Lillie went to church while the rest finished packing. Grace Lee and her kids said prayers for us, not expecting us to actually be there. Dad said goodbye to the Huangs, Tucks, Chens, Lees, and others.

Dover Cliffs

We drove to Dover very quickly, eating Sainsbury sandwiches in the car.

Faith on the Ferry

The ferry was comfortable.

A Pedestrian Walkway

We ate at a good roadside stop. …

A Prepared Todder Chair at a Highway Facilities Area

The hostel at Eu was not as nice as Melrose or Hawkshead, but was OK. It was in the kitchens of the Eu castle.

The Beds at the Eu Hostel

The Fountain at the Eu Fontaine Hostel

We stopped at Caen the next day. The kids liked climbing on the cannon.

Caen Cannon I

Caen Cannon II

From Caen Castle

The Normandy Museum first floor was very good. Gaul in the Bronze Age seems very civilized, if illiterate, even before the Gauls came with iron around 500 B.C. . The Gauls had their own coinage.

Bronze Age Helmets at the Normandy Museum

The Caen Castle Playground

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