Benjamin’s First Day of School

bens-first-day-of-school.JPGWe discovered the day before school started that Benjamin would be in Year 1, which is for students his age, but follows a Reception year of half-day “kindergarten”. So he is going straight into all-day school, with children who’ve already started to learn to read, and who’ve been together for a year already. But he was content with his first two days. His big gripe is that the classroom walls are painted pink. After school we’ve started teaching him how to write “bit” and “bat” and suchlike.

2 Responses to “Benjamin’s First Day of School”

  1. Lilian says:


    Love, love, love reading your entries! You are gifted at expressing every detail and nuance of your experiences. It’s nice to feel like we’re right there with all of you.

    Love to all,

    Auntie Lil

  2. Nathanael says:

    “Hi, Benjamine! Are you doing good at school? Did you know that I’m grade 1, too? Just to warn you, if you see any dangerous creatures, tell your mom and Dad.”

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