The First Week of School

    All  three children had a good first week.   Lizzie ‘s teacher chose her as “Worker of  the Week”,  and one girl has asked her several times how she’s doing. She’s  trying to  catch up in  math, since her fellow students did  multiplication and division last year, and  she hadn’t even started on  those topics.  Benjie’s busy learning phonetics and how to write  letters, since his class knows how to do  that.  Both are happily working on catching up. lizworkeroftheweek.jpg

4 Responses to “The First Week of School”

  1. Auntie Lil says:

    Congratulations, our sweet Lizze, for your Worker of the Week certificate. You’re so bright! We miss you! Love, Cousin Madison.XOXO

  2. Nathanael says:

    “Hi Elizabeth. how are you doing at school? I heard that you were being good at school. Are you enjoying your trip in England? Just to know (meaning he just wanted to know ^^) if your having good time with your family. Good bye. I miss you.”

    love Nathanael

  3. admin says:

    I am doing really well. Thank you for the letter. Are you doing good in school? Is it kind of scary going in first grade? love, Elizabeth

  4. Lil says:

    Just letting you know mom read your entire blog up to this point while she was here. She said she is thinking a little about getting a computer, so she doesn’t feel so out of touch…

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