January 21, 2025 RULES AND WEBSITES The class website is at https://www.rasmusen.org/rasmapedia/index.php?title=Cedars_Math I haven't been using it or keeping it up to date, but I will start doing so now, for a while at least. It has a link to Moodlehub, to Codabrainy for when we do Python coding, and to Zoom for office hours. It also has links to handout via book chapters. The handouts for Geometry, our current chapter, are at https://www.rasmusen.org/rasmapedia/index.php?title=Cedars_Math:Chapter_8#Handouts Thus, if you miss class, check to see if there are any handouts, particularly if you'd need one for the homework. The homework for last Saturday was the Odds in 8.3: 1-35. Just because school is cancelled for a snow day does NOT mean there is no homework for the next day. That is also true for holidays, which are often on Mondays, so there is homework to do on Tuesday and hand in on Wednesday. This semester for PreAlgebra I am going to try to be in touch more regularly. If students are tardy or need to redo the day's homework because it is deficient in some way, I'll email you. Also, I will try to have office hours regularly at 4-5pm on Thursdays via Zoom at https://bit.ly/3IWyiPf, passcode: 1U9ygu. In particular, we'll try to work on tardiness. If a student is in a rush, he should come to the classroom so I can check attendance, then drop his things in a corner of the classroom without unpacking or taking off his coat if he is already late and go off to Lauds. We'll continue the policy of letting students write "I ran out of time-- 1 hour" if they have spent an hour on a homework assignment. They can keep going and finish if they want to, of course. Each day's assignment is separate, though. If a student needs to do two assignments because they were absent, they might need to take two hours. Also, students sometimes have to redo assignments, usually because they were too messy, they didn't check the answers, they didn't provide enough explanation of their answers, or the answered with single words instead of an understandable phrase or sentence. In that case, too, they might need to spend two hours. Note that this is "I ran out of time-- 1 hour." The student does not have to do all the 1 hour at once, but he should spend at least an hour if he cannot finish and check the questions in less time than that. Remember: most students in America receive an hour of class time each day, not just three days per week, plus homework on top of that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------