Subject: Fwd: Re: hi
From: Helen Rasmusen
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 20:55:55 -0700 (PDT)
To: Eric Rasmusen

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Subject: Re: hi
From: "Ashlee Knight"
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 20:51:41 +1200
To: "Helen Rasmusen"

hi helen! it was great to hear from you. i am loving new zealand, it has been a great trip so far. i have already had two girls accept Christ with me so its been pretty amazing. how is your summer going? how was d.c.?
about nannying, i would love to! i think it would be great and i will do anywhere from 20-40 hours, whatever you decide. if it is less than 40 hours i can always get a part time job on the side.
keep me posted as to what you are thinking. i get back on aug 7th so i could probably start a week from then, on aug 14th or any time after that...its up to you. thanks so much for thinking of me helen, i am really excited!
tell the kids i say hi and keep me posted.

On 7/13/06, Helen Rasmusen <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Ashlee,
ARe you there????  i hope you are having a great time
in NZ.  We think of you very often and Lilli often
asks for/about you.
I wanted to know if you'd be interested in working for
us as a nanny/helper:  i don't yet know if i want 20
or 40 hours a week or something in between.  But I
thought that I'd feel you out a bit and see if that
might interest you at all.
Could you email me with your thoughts?  thanks so
it would probably involve some evenings, so the
schedule might include 3 afternoon-evening shifts and
2 morning to afternoon, but it could be somewhat
flexible.  Also, it would be work with the kids and
house and whatever I need help with incl. house
Thanks Ashlee.

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