April 16, 2002 Benjamin's Birth Wonderful news!! Congratulations!! God's blessings!! -----Original Message----- From: Eric Rasmusen [mailto:erasmuse@indiana.edu] Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 9:59 AM To: erasmuse@indiana.edu Subject: The baby has arrived! Announcement! Benjamin Won Rasmusen (named after his two grandfathers) was born at 2:09 a.m. on Monday, April 8, 2002 at Bloomington Hospital, a week past the due date and with a caul over his head. He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19 inches tall, had black curly hair, and was very active and alert. Labor was much shorter than for his sisters, and recovery equally quick. He was born 22 minutes after arrival at the hospital. Aunt Lilian is visiting and helping take care of everyone. Pictures are up at http://php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/_images/ben/ben.htm. JOANNE HENLINE CONGRATULATIONS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL LIFE YOU HAVE!!! l'LL PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FOR BEING HEALTHY AND HAPPY. Ran So WOW CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Please say Hi to mom and aunt and I wish all of you the bset - Tell mom I will call today Monica Blaney, P.Ag. blaney & associates Agribusiness & Transportation Consulting Suite 382 3-11 Bellerose Drive St. Albert, AB T8N 5C9 (780) 418-1047 (780) 418-1026 Fax (780) 480-3272 Pager email: monica@blaneyassociates.ca www.blaneyassociates.ca CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Dear Helen and Eric! Oh, I am soooo glad to hear this news! lots lots of love and bi-g hug your Hie-Yon Eric and Helen, et al- Congratulations on your new baby. What a great set of pictures and a cute little boy. I am reminded on just how long it has been since we have talked. Much has happened since we last saw each other - mediation with Jennifer (went from enemies to friends), new girlfriend (Christian), left Wachovia 12/01 and currently looking for job (have 1 year severance), moved to Woburn in with two Christian guys, left CTK to go back to Grace Chapel, took 2nd divorce recovery class and a class reviewing Boundaries (Cloud and Townsend) at Grace, and last but not least, learned last Sunday that Jennifer has accepted Christ and is being radically transformed by the Lord. Whew! I am trying to figure out what to do on a multitude of fronts (work, marriage, living). Stress is high, but the Lord is gracious and has blessed me with so many wonderful surprises. Sure would love to see you if you are ever in town again. God bless you and Helen and your children! My new contact facts are below: John John P. Rafferty, 50 Winter Street, Woburn, MA 01801. 781-640-3338. johnrafferty1@aol.com Congrats, Eric! Helen is breaking speed records with this delivery. Hope she is fine too. Hi to her and again congratulations to both of you. -- Mike Congratulations! Karalee and I are so happy for you and Helen and the girls. I'm sure you are all excited about having a son and a brother for the girls. We are very thankful for another healthy addition to the family. KARALEE CHOI CONGRATULATIONS! Larry Davidson Professor of Business Economics & Public Policy 1309 E. 10th Street, Room 436 Indiana University Kelley School of Business Bloomington, IN 47405-1701 Phone: (812) 855-2773 Fax: (812) 855-3354 davidso@indiana.edu Congratulations! JEFF STAKE Congratulations. Jeff JEFF GREEN Congratulations!!! We loved the pictures, and are so happy for you guys. Welcome to the "parents with three kids" club. Keep us posted as new photos become available. Randall & Atsuko Short CONGRATULATIONS!! TERRIFIC NEWS KEN DAU-SCHMIDT Dear Helen and Eric, Congratulations! We are very happy for your new baby boy's arrival. The pictures of Helen and Benjamine are beautiful and they were very clear. Thanks for your message and pictures love, uncle Ray and aunt Elizabeth Dear Eric and Helen: Congrats on your new baby boy, Benjamin Won news!! I am very happy for you. I hope Helen is recovering well and baby is doing well. What a beautiful time of the year to be born! Hope all is well there and hope to see you all. Love, Heejeong Oh, my God! Congratulations, Helen and Eric!!! I didn't know it was already time for the third baby to arrive. You must have a FULL HOUSE now. 5 members of family already!! He looks so cute in the picture! I'm glad to see Helen is looking good. Please give my love for Amelia and Elisabeth Grace also. Take care, and congratulations again! Hee-Kyung