Pictures of Amelia Jane Rasmusen, July 15, 2000

Amelia Jane Rasmusen was born at 1:04 p.m. on Monday, February 8, 1999, one day before the estimated delivery date, in Bloomington Hospital, Bloomington, Indiana. Dr. Weiler delivered her by Cesarean section, after a long night of labor supervised by Dr. Stowell. Mother Helen started labor at about 4 a.m. Sunday morning, and arrived at the hospital about 9 p.m. Sunday night, and the Cesarean method was used simply because of the length of time labor was taking--some 33 hours when it was cut short.

Amelia weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and was 22 inches long at birth, and seems normal in every way. She has dark hair like her mother, and long toes like her father. Dr. Laughlin, her pediatrician, has already been in to see her. Helen was very worn out, but is recovering well and was able to chat within a few hours. Helen's mother switched her flight and arrived eight hours after the delivery.

This website will be updated from time to time. It starts with February 22 best pictures of all time, then photos posted after that up to June 2000; sound files; One best picture from each month; and lots of other photos after that.

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The Best Pictures, February 22, 2000 Choices
  1. 00.02.12.Profile.Amelia,g&Helen.jpg
  2. 00.02.12.amelia.walking.jpg
  3. 00.02.12.amelia.choosing.the.pencil.2.jpg
  6. Rasmusen.Eric&Helen&Amelia.1999.gif
  7. 00.01.13.amelia2a.jpg
  8. 99.12.25.amelia.standing.jpg
  10. 99.05.26.cake1.jpg
  12. 99.09.Uncle.Paul&Amelia&Helen.good.jpg
  13. 99.09.28.Marilyn&Amelia.bench.close.good.jpg
  14. 99.09.25.Amelia&Mama.jpg
  15. 99.09.16.Amelia.super.closeup.thinking.jpg
  16. 99.09.13.Amelia.2.jpg
  17. 99.07.01.sears.a.amelia.jpg
  18. 99.06.13.Amelia.hat.on-face.jpg
  19. 06.16.ultrasound1.jpg
  20. 99.02.09.Amelia&Helen_1.jpg
  21. 06.21.99.Amelia.and.Dads.fingers.closeup.jpg
  22. 06.26.Amelia.with.tambourine.jpg
  23. 06.28.99.Amelia.standing.closeup.thumb.jpg

July 2, 2000 Postings: With Grandma Choi at Meadowood , lying By the Stairs with her Mother, and a close-up with her Mother.

Good Pictures Posted in June 2000
  1. March 2000 on couch
  2. April 2000 standing in Aunt Carolee's dress
  3. May 2000 dramatic in the office
  4. June 2000 with Aunt Lilian watching fawns
  5. Hand (May 2000)
  6. In Dress and Hat(May 2000)
  7. Footprint on a Bookshelf(May 2000)
  8. Happy in the Car (May 2000)
  9. Driving the Car (May 2000)
  10. In the Boat(April 2000)
  11. With Accountability Group (February 2000)
  12. With Mother All Dressed Up (February 2000)
  13. Standing Colorfully (March 2000)
  14. With Mother on Couch Playing(March 2000)
  15. Tangled in Bunjees(March 2000)
  16. Stepping in the Dark (March 2000)
  17. Good Smile(April 2000)
  18. Leaning on the Couch (April 2000)
  19. Self-Dressed in Her Swimsuit (April 2000)
  20. With Mother and Ball (April 2000)
  21. With Elizabeth at the hospital and another one like it (June 2000).
  22. With Aunt Lilian and another like it (June 2000).

Sound files
  1. April 22, 1999, cooing .
  2. July 24, 1999, squeals
  3. Playing the kazoo; in December 1999.

Month By Month
  1. June 1998
  2. February 1999
  3. March 1999
  4. April 1999
  5. May 1999
  6. June 1999
  7. July 1999
  8. August 1999
  9. September 1999
  10. October 1999
  11. December 1999
  12. January 2000
  13. February 2000
  14. March 2000
  15. April 2000
  16. May 2000
  17. June 2000

The Best Pictures, December 1999 Choices.
  1. Amelia 1 (February 9, 1999).
  2. Close-up of Amelia 1 (February 9, 1999).
  3. Amelia and her father 1 (February 14, 1999).
  4. Amelia, her mother, and Grandma Rasmusen I (February 20, 1999).
  5. March 7, 1999. Amelia in the bassinet, just out of a bath.
  6. Amelia and her mother (March 9, 1999).
  7. Amelia and her mother (March 10, 1999).
  8. Amelia in blankets (March 10, 1999).
  9. Amelia and Grandma Choi (March 10, 1999).
  10. April 5, 1999. Amelia with Helen and Aunt Mary and lying down.
  11. April 22, 1999. Amelia yawning, in a close-up, with Jeewon Oh, and in another picture.
  12. Amelia, Mother and Father, at Amelia's 100-Day Party, and the cake.
  13. Helen and Amelia at the BaBaReeba Restaurant in Chicago (May 4, 1999)
  14. Amelia open-mouthed(June 13, 1999) and with a hat on her face(June 21, 1999).
  15. Amelia on the lap of her Grandmother Rasmusen(June 21, 1999)
  16. Amelia's profile and Amelia in yellow(June 28, 1999)
  17. September 1999: Amelia looking charming and reaching out in close-up.

Other Pictures
  1. Ultrasound (June 16, 1998).
  2. Amelia 2 (February 9, 1999).
  3. Amelia 3 (February 9, 1999).
  4. Amelia and Grandma Choi (February 10, 1999).
  5. Amelia and her father, sitting (February 14, 1999).
  6. Amelia and her father 2 (February 14, 1999).
  7. Amelia and Jeewon Oh (February 16, 1999).
  8. Amelia and her mother 3 (February 16, 1999).
  9. Amelia and her mother 1 (February 16, 1999).
  10. Amelia and her mother 2 (February 16, 1999).
  11. Amelia and Grandma Rasmusen, close up (February 20, 1999).
  12. Amelia and Grandma and Grandpa Rasmusen (February 20, 1999).
  13. Amelia, her mother, and Grandma Rasmusen II (February 20, 1999).
  14. Amelia, her mother, and Grandpa Rasmusen (February 20, 1999).
  15. Amelia and her mother, not close up (March 9, 1999).
  16. Amelia and her mother's hand (March 10, 1999).
  17. Amelia in blankets (March 10, 1999).
  18. March 7 and April 5. Pictures Closeup 1 , 2 , 3 , Good 4 , 5 , 6 , halfsmile 7 , lying down 8 , worried 9 , surprised 10 , and lying 11 .
  19. April 22-24. Amelia 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , and with Hieyon Choi and Jeewon Oh .
  20. May 24, 1999. Amelia in her swing , 1 , 2 , lying on the couch, with her hands in her mouth , and with her father .
  21. 100_Day Party Pictures. Amelia with her mother and the cake , with Bob Kaplowitz, Russ Parker, and her mother , and the cake.
  22. July 1999. Amelia with an apple; with apple and tambourine; with her mother and Ran and Jeewon and Heekyung outdoors; again, with her mother and Ran and Jeewon and Heekyung outdoors; fallen asleep holding a toy ; On the floor; with Joseph Bortka; with Joseph Bortka again.
  23. July 1999. Amelia with an apple; with apple and tambourine; with her mother and Ran and Jeewon and Heekyung outdoors; again, with her mother and Ran and Jeewon and Heekyung outdoors; fallen asleep holding a toy ; On the floor; with Joseph Bortka; with Joseph Bortka again.

Comments: [email protected].