June 3, 2002 children's schedule: 8am: wake up. breakfast, light. 10:15 am: snack. Half a bagel(peanut butter/cream cheese) each. milk 12:00: lunch. 12:30: nap for Elizabeth. 1.5-2 hours. 1:30: nap for Amelia. 1.25-2 hours. Not too much or she won't sleep at night. 3:30 pm: snack. Amelia won't eat much. Half an apple plus some graham crackers. Mabye yogurt plus crackers. Juice (just once a day). 5:30-6pm: dinner. 8:30pm--get ready for bed. 9pm--- go to sleep. Remind the girls to go the bathroom several times a day. To take to the farm: Magna doodles, books, diapers, dolls, clothes. Crayons. Big toy box. Work-- social regulatoin stuff. laptop. Coinflip paper. webcam. Tapes, DVD player, DVDs, videos. Desitin. Something for a diaper bag. Toothbrushes, swimming suits, including mine. Hats. Floppy drive. At the farm: See Aunt Mary. Get flowers or something on the way. Groceries too? Food suggestions: SNACK: yogurt, cheese cubes, string cheese, crackers, apple slices, banana, bagel halves, grapes, cereal (dry), LUNCH: sandwiches: ham, peanut butter and jelly, tuna salad,ETC.; burgers, mac'n cheese with peas/corn, quesadillas, pizza, fresh fruit, milk, deviled eggs DINNER: rice with meat, broccoli, carrots peas, potatoes, tomatoes, etc., noodles with sauce, lasagna, fish, etc, milk, meatballs, stir-fry, stew, soup, corn on cob; pizza encourage the fruits and veggies and grains, since they both like dairy and meat so well. avoid spicy foods, hard or tough foods like raw carrots, nuts, bacon, tough meat, since Elizabeth may well choke on such things SLEEP If E. looks tired, PUT HER TO BED. Catch it early or it'll be too late. If she's tired at 10:30 am give her a morning nap and then give her an afternoon nap too probably around 2 ish. If she's tired at 7 or 7:30 pm, put her to bed. E and A love baths together. They can happily play for 20 minutes in a bath. But stay close by. This could be a relaxing part of the evening routine. give bath at 7:30pm. also, if E. has a sore bottom, wash it in bath, pat dry thoroughly, apply desitin and then diaper. Can do this at first sign of discomfort on her part. WASH THEIR HANDS FREQUENTLY