Arden Feb. 18, 1994 1. The opera is at 8pm at the MAC. Guests: Arden, Lilian, Linda, Bar Barsky,... You can drive with Linda, who has a car. 2. I will give you charge of the marriage license, which the minister must fill out. He will know what to do with it once it is filled out. The bride and groom must sign too. 3. You are in charge of the minister's honorarium (actually, a donation to his church), which you can slip him discreetly. 4. The best man makes the first toast at the reception. This will be BEFORE the meal. 5. The best man customarily dances with the maid of honor, which would be fun here, though embarassing. But any dancing will be spontaneous, so you can forget about this custom. 6. On Sunday, could you return the morning suits to the store? You can use my parents' car, perhaps, or Linda's. Bloomington Wedding Center, 403 S. College, 333-8891. They have moved to almost the same block, but a block east, on Walnut street. 7. I will need help changing out of my stroller into Korean clothes for the bowing ceremony. We will go to a nearby bathroom or something. Also, when it is over, everybody should clap. You should lead off the clapping, perhaps with the aid of stooges whom you ask to help you.