February 13 Crossword puzzle: Eric will put together a draft. Start with words: Lilian: What lively relative gave the bride an embarassing present at a bridal shower? Mary Lou: What relative of the bridal couple found the best Wedding Book? Yobo: What does a good husband call his wife in Winnipeg? Emperor: The bride has played a concerto for this ruler. What city does the bride's family come from? Pyong Yang. Who is taking the photographs? Johnny. What color were the flowers in the chapel? xxxx Where did the groom first teach economics? MIT. Where was the bride born? Minnesota. What guest plays the violin? Bob. What guest is a retired headhunter? helen. A California girl. (A valley girl, but a better valley). Linda. What did the groom refuse to do at the reception? Sing. Who wrote the hymn? xxxx Who did the groom vote for in 1992? Bush. Which relative is most likely to buy 500 bottles of shampoo this year? Thomas. For what alphabet agency does the medical guest work? FDA