\documentstyle[12pt,epsf]{msart} \parskip=12pt \begin{document} \textheight 9in \begin{tiny} \begin{center} { Eric Rasmusen }\\ { 1235 East Matlock Road }\\ { Bloomington, Indiana, 47408-1544 }\\ (812) 331-0012 \\ Internet: Erasmuse@indiana.edu \\ \end{center} \end{tiny} \hspace{236pt} January 19, 1994 \vspace{24pt} \bigskip \noindent \begin{raggedright} \parindent 36pt \parskip=12pt \bigskip \noindent Dear Mother, I've enclosed our invitation list. We did remember to invite Aunt Edna, though I realize I forgot to add her to this list. Any other suggestions are welcomed, though we are pretty full up. I also enclose the notes we put together for our planning. I'm not sure you can decipher them, but maybe you can find something to suggest to us that ought to be on our list. We will register at a May Company store called Ayres and at Penny's. Is there a Penney's near you that we could connect to? We are not sure about pianos yet. We had extra fun putting together the list of notes because we did it on my battery-powered computer while the power was out here. It came back on after about 3 hours, and the house did not have time to get cold upstairs. \hspace{212pt}\begin{tabular} {ll} &\\ &Yours truly, \\ \end{tabular} \end{raggedright} \end{document}