February 15, 1994 This is a schedule of things to do during the week before the wedding. --------------------------------------------------------------- MONDAY February 14. 9pm: Mrs. Choi arrives. Helen, Eric, and Lilian go to Indy to pick her up. Eric calls about the wedding license. Eric writes upa crossword puzzle draft. Eric grades quizzes. Eric picks up UPS present and aisle runner? The rings migth be ready. Eric will pick them up. --------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY February 15. Eric teaches 9:30-10:45 and 2:30-3:45. Eric, 11:30, Tudor Room, Lunchw ith Christopher Woodruff, econ job candidate. --------------------------------------------------------------- WED February 16. 9: cleaners come to eric's Eric meets with PhD students, 3:30/ 10: herlen's hair 11: license 12 Lunch at eric's, Lillian and Mrs. Choi. Eric's office hours: 2-3:30. 5:15, Pastor Peoples meeting. 6:30, Ash Wed. service for Helen to playat . 7pm worhsip meeting ro Hlen. Eric grades problem sets. Eric's second set of proofs arrives. Eric buys a present for the best man. Do the program. Delegate all the little tasks. Night: Helen talks with Daddy. Check on the wedding rings. eric must pick them up. --------------------------------------------------------------- THURSDAY February 17. Eric teaches 9:30-10:45 and 2:30-3:45. 12:15. Eric's law lunch. Pick up stroller suits, Wedding Center, 403 South College after 4:3 0 before 8pm.. Helen will bring the pew bows to Eric's house. Eric cleans the car and house. Talk to catering about signs int he Union. Put down half the money as a depsoit. --------------------------------------------------------------- FRIDAY February 18: BEPP seminar with Joe Kalt, 3:00-4:30. Eric will try to go to this. Mr and Mrs Rasmusen drive down and come to Matlock. Andrew and Gloria Rasmusen drive down and come to Matlock. Arden Johnson arrives, 1pm at Indy, and comes to Matlock on his own. Mr. Choi arrives at some point during the day, and comes in on his own. Helen McClane arrives and comes in on her own. 4pm: take over the filled-up bags to the Catering Office in the IMU, and maybe the bird seed bags. Rehearsal: Beck Chapel, at 5 till 6. . Rehearsal dinner at 6: The Irish Lion. Eric, Arden Johnson, Mr and Mrs Rasmusen, Mary Beale, Helen, Lilian Choi, Mrs. Choi, John and Mary Alice Peoples, Linda Lamkin, Susan Chan, Thomas Choi, John Choi, Andrew and Gloria Rasmusen. Jee Won Oh. Sleeping at Matlock Friday night: Eric, Arden Johnson, Mr and Mrs Rasmusen, Mary Beale. Sleeping at Henderson Friday night: Helen, Mrs. Choi, Lilian Choi. At motel: Mr. Choi, Thomas Choi, John Choi, --------------------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY February 19. 6:30am. Bob Barsky's flight comes in, and he comes to Matlock or directly to Beck Chapel. Philip Krause and Andy Stone flies in from Washington in the morning, and out that evening. 10am: Somebody puts place cards at the Federal Room 10am: Helen has her hair done. 10am: reception favors are put on the tables in the Federal Room. Bring boom box and CD's. JeeWon will take care of all of that. Men dress at home, ladies at the chapel. 11am: Florist arrives at hte chapel with all the flowers. 11am: Ladies arrive s atht echapel. 11:20 Men arrive at hte chapel. Mrs. rasmusen will bring the pew bows to the church at 11:20. She will tape them onto the pews. 12:00. Wedding, Beck Chapel. (see SERVICE notes) Reception, Federal Room, Indiana Mermorial Union. Lunch. (see RECEPTION notes) Linda and Susan bring flowers and the unity candle and tapers from the chapel to the Federal Room. They make sure that the chapel is cleaned up and no coats left by accident. Gloria watches the gift table. Lilian helps Helen with the bowing. Arden Johnson gives the minister a present and a chruch donation. Mr and Mrs. Rasmusen bring songbooks and fun music and birdseed for throwing. Thomas brings Korean costumes for Helen and Eric, and dates, other food needed. Helen and Eric drive off for a honeymoon. A gathering at Matlock, with Wedding Ale, for whoever wants to come? Opera, 8pm. Gianii Schichi? 7 tickets available. Arden, Lilian, Bob Barsky, and 4 others. Sleeping at Matlock: Arden Johnson, Mr and Mrs Rasmusen, Mary Beale. Sleeping at Henderson: Mrs. Choi, Thomas Choi, John Choi, Lilian Choi. --------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDAY February 14. Arden Johnson returns the rented suits, using the Rasmusen's car. --------------------------------------------------------------- MONDAY February 14. --------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY February 14. Night: Return from honeymoon. --------------------------------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY February 14. Move Helen's stuff. --------------------------------------------------------------- THURSDAY February 14. Eric teaches 9:30-10:45 and 2:30-3:45. 12:15. Eric's law lunch. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------