“If I don’t read, I get lonely. If I don’t write, I forget who I am.” – Jack Driscoll
Author: amelia admin
A Terrifically Useful Article for Musicians
Today I decided to get serious about violin. As I do not have a teacher (yet), I casually Google-searched “bad violin technique” to build up a list of things to improve. However, I found this: http://www.creativitypost.com/arts/the_most_valuable_lesson_i_learned_from_playing_the_violin Written by a guy who played the violin since he was two, this article is chock full of information. Noa Kageyama…
iPad Art: using educreations app
Da Preppy(ish) School
B___. Home of hippy universalists, Catholics, and Mormons. Also loads of liberals. A couple socialists. A couple lovely sociopaths. That’s my set (the sociopaths; who knows how I ended up with them. . . ) Spirit days for sports are spectacular. Muchos rainbows everywhere. Todos a los gentes participate. However, soccer is the successful…