God says that man can rest secure if he loves God and neighbor, but man would only love God and neighbor if he already rested secure. This maze began in the Bible. It eventually makes it back there. We are reading through the book of Hebrews in my community Bible study. A couple months ago,…
Tag: God
Artsophistry is Dead
I want my words to be cold, icy clear, and hard as diamond, not melting all over the place like a pile of slops. I have been laden with responsibility, you see. Whatever I say must love truth – not just tolerate or include or concede truth, but reach at it like a drowning man…
T.S. Eliot on the Brain: His Faith (?)
While T.S. Eliot is has a reputation as a Christian poet and certainly uses oodles of Biblical imagery, I don’t think Christians should read him as a Christian poet. First an exposition of Eliot’s style: His post-conversion poems are given a sacred quality by his use of a metaphysical flavor – he uses sensory images to convey a…
It Doesn’t Matter What You Feel is Right for You
“It doesn’t matter what you feel is right for you. If God says it, it’s true and beautiful and the fault lies in yourself. Anyone who thinks he has his own little scheme that works in place of God’s commands is a fool.” Camille Paglia and Allen Bloom’s cultural criticism, the politics, the poetry, the…