This is code and a musical piece combined into a story, notated in poetry. Meaning on so many levels, in so many mediums, into one. Coders, programmers, this is for you! Ah, poor Bach is a criminal, clad in stripes. His pacings across white cell block, would turn the guards’ brains dark. The iron bars…
Tag: Music
Five-Finger Scales: “Counting Rhyme”
1. Sorrow is a legion of worn women with crepe skin and black shawls and brooms. The whispering of the straw scrapes the floor as they quietly shunt dust out the door, shake the crumbs from billowing tablecloths that churn and coil in the wind, held tight by gnarled fists. When they are finished with…
Edifying Thoughts of a Tobacco Smoker by J.S. Bach
If Bach wrote such stunning music, does it not follow that he would write good poetry? Enjoy!