God says that man can rest secure if he loves God and neighbor, but man would only love God and neighbor if he already rested secure. This maze began in the Bible. It eventually makes it back there. We are reading through the book of Hebrews in my community Bible study. A couple months ago,…
Tag: poetry
Nothingness Itself
A deepening, richening, falling as children die asleep. Her eyelids clink shut. The warm malleability, the snuggle smell of oatmeal and softly guzzled milk, fade, leave empty fingers, broken eggshells, empty palms. The dark closes, and the cradle is a marble horror. Nothing can’t be knocked away but nothingness itself. Desire pulls my hand…
Five-Finger Scales: “Counting Rhyme”
1. Sorrow is a legion of worn women with crepe skin and black shawls and brooms. The whispering of the straw scrapes the floor as they quietly shunt dust out the door, shake the crumbs from billowing tablecloths that churn and coil in the wind, held tight by gnarled fists. When they are finished with…
T.S. Eliot on the Brain: His Faith (?)
While T.S. Eliot is has a reputation as a Christian poet and certainly uses oodles of Biblical imagery, I don’t think Christians should read him as a Christian poet. First an exposition of Eliot’s style: His post-conversion poems are given a sacred quality by his use of a metaphysical flavor – he uses sensory images to convey a…