FUTURES MARKETS AND PUBLIC POLICY Fischer Black Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology February, 1982 James M. Stone Commodity Futures Trsding CommissIon Summary . Introduction -The Equilibrium FUTURES MARKETS AND PUBLIC POLICY The Effects of Regulation The Model Market Efficiency i 1 4 6 7 9 Summary. We feel that the volume of trading in securities and futures markets can be explained only by assuming that there are many "noise traders" in the market. This means that "information traders" can buy information and make money trading on it at the expense of the noise traders. The "economic efficiency" of the market and the allocation of resources will be improved if we can find a way to restrict noise traders without restricting information traders. Int roduction 1 How should we regulate futures markets? Should we regulate them at all? Should we regulate futures markets and markets for stocks and bonds in the same way? These are the questions that motivated this paper. They are not the questions that are answered in this paper. To answer these questions, we must ask another: why do people trade? In futures markets, there is a short position for every long position. If someone makes money by trading, someone else must lose money. Total trading profits are always exactly zero. If everyone behaves rationally, and takes into account the fact that others may be trading on information not currently reflected in futures prices, at least some people must expect to lose money by trading. If they expect to lose money, why do they trade? In some models, the answer to this question is that they trade because a 2 change in circumstances has made their existing portfolios non-optimal. The trouble with this answer is that it seems too weak to explain the volume of trading in securities markets and futures markets. It might explain a certain amount of trading in mutual fund shares, but does not seem to explain trading in individual securities or futures contracts. Moreover, almost no one gives this as the main reason for trading. Most trading seems to be on information. People with favorable information buy, and people with unfavorable information sell. They do this even though their information may already be reflected in prices. Tney do it even though the people they are trading with may have information that is not yet reflected in prices. In short, people seem to trade on information even when they should expect to lose money doing it. To model this kind of trading, we have to assume that people trade for some reason other than maximizing a rational expected utility of wealth or consumption. Either they are irrational or they enjoy trading. They are fools or gamblers. Their utility functions depend on the amount of trading - 2 - they do as well as on their consumption of r10re conventional goods and services. Let's assume that some people are fools or gamblers, while some trilde only to make profits. Of those who trade only for profit, some buy information and trade on it, while others don't buy information and don't trade at all. 'We ignore "liquidity trading," or trading for non-information reasons, because we feel there is not enough of it in the world to make much difference. We assume that both kinds of traders are rational, so the fools or gamblers expect to lose money, while the information traders expect to make money. We assume that information is costly. That's why not everyone has a given piece of information at the same time. We assume that it is as costly to transfer information to someone else as it is to buy it in the first place. That's why the government doesn't buy all the important information and give it away. It's why an individual doesn't resell information after buying it. Moreover, we assume that the cost of information is higher for some people than for others. (We obtain similar results when we assume that the cost of some pieces of information is higher than the cost of other pieces of information.) Thus the people who buy information are those who can buy it at lowest cost. Everyone is risk averse. That's why a person who buys information does not take a larger and larger position until the price fully reflects the information. In fact, we assume that people are so risk averse and have so little wealth that no one person's trading has a significant effect on the 3 price. For simplicity, we assume that everyone has the same wealth. All fools or gamblers have the same utility function, and all information traders have the same utility function. In fact, we assume that the fools or gamblers act just like information traders, except that they trade on randOln noise rather than on correct information. They do not pay for their noise, but they decide how large a position to take based on their wealth. risk aversion, and the value the noise would have if it were correct - 3 - information. Except for the fact that they li' p , the information trader will take a long position. When x < p , the trader will take a short position. The size of the position will depend on x - p, d, and the degree of risk aversion. Since these are the same for all information traders, all information traders will take the same position. u - P I~~ ~Sd:t, A noise trader will choose a position in exactly the wayan information trader does, but instead of x - P , noise trader i will use a variable z The zi 's are normally distributed with zero mean. All the zi 's and x and yare independent. A trader decides whether to be an information trader or a non-trader by comparing the expected utility of buying information and trading on it with the expected utility of not trading. When making this decision, the value of x is unknown, but the trader can observe the price p The conditional standard deviation of x given p is s The decision depends on the utility function, and on s d and the trader's information cost ci There will be a value of ci above which no trader buys information. The closer p is to x , the fewer traders will buy information. When fewer traders buy information, the total positions of information traders will be smaller. In equilibrium, net positions of noise traders and information traders must add up to zero. A producer who buys the information will use a conditional mean x and a conditional standard deviation d A producer with higher information cost will use a conditional mean p , and a conditional standard deviation that is larger than d. The conditional variance will be s2 + d2 . Increasing the number of noise traders will increase the amount of noise, which means p will on average be farther from x. This will attract more information traders, and existing information traders will take larger positions. - 9 - Raising information costs for the information traders (or restricting them in some other way) will also make p farther from x on average. This has no effect on the noise traders, because their behavior does not depend on p • Closing the futures market completely will mean that producers cannot use p at all as a source of information about x A producer will either buy x or will use an estimate of zero for the payoff. That estimate is the worst of all. Its variance is equal to the sum of the variance of x and the variance of y • t~arket Efficiency In this model, the market is not efficient with respect to the first random variable, because if the value of x were known to everyone, the price would change. Using this "financial" definition of market efficiency, the market is perfectly efficient when everyone agrees and the price reflects the information that they all have. The market can be perfectly efficient (in principle) at various levels of information. There is also an "economic" definition of market efficiency. Using this definition, the degree of market efficiency is measured by the standard 5 deviation of the payoff conditional on the price. Using this definition, the more information people have, the more efficient the market is likely to be. A market that is perfectly efficient in the financial sense can be more or less efficient in the economic sense. Producers care about economic efficiency. The more efficient the market is in the economic sense, the less they pay for infcrmat:.on, and the better their investment decisions are. Our conclusions, then, can be restated as follows: the economic efficiency of a futures market is improved if we restrict noise traders, or if we G . . , remove restrictions on information traders. - 10 - Footnotes IFor example, see Grossman and stiglitz (1980) and Diamond and Verrecchia (1981). In their models, people may start with non-optimal proportions of a risky asset and a riskless asset. This gives them a reason for tracing even when they expect to lose because they will be trading with people who have more information. 2This assumes that the market is organized in a way that makes corners impossible. Some restrictions on sophisticated traders have the effect of making corners less likely, which could improve the economic efficiency of the market. A simple way to avoid corners is to allow settlement of futures contracts in cash. 3Edwards (1981) has a general framework for analyzing regulation that is consistent with the views in this paper. 'Edwards (1981, pp. 21-22) discusses this kind of efficiency, in the context of a more general discussion of economic efficiency. sSamuelson (1972) has a model in which traders with incorrect beliefs harm others. A key assumption in his model is that some traders are over-optimistic, and short selling by other traders is banned. 6Green (1973) has a model in which investment in information by some traders causes prices to reveal that information more fully. However, he assumes that investors start with differences in information, and do not take full account of the fact that others have valuab18 information. As a result, his uninformed investors trade on their beliefs. - 11 - References Diamond, Douglas W., and Robert E. Verrecchia. "Information Aggregation in a Noisy Rational Expectations Economy." Journal of Financial Economics 9 (September, 1981): 221-235. Edwards, Franklin R. "The Regulation of Futures I~arkets: Framework. " Columbia Business School IVorking October, 1981. A Conceptual Paper CSn,1-23, Green, Jerry R. "Information, Efficiency and Equilibrium." Harvard Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper 284, ~Iarch, 1973. Grossman, Sanford J., and Joseph E. Stiglitz. "On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets. " American Economic Review 70 (June, 1980): 393-408. Samuelson, Paul A. "Proof that Unsuccessful Speculators Confer Less Benefit to Society than their Losses." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 69 (May, 1972): 1230-1233.