1995 Christmas List,
- 1.
The Bell Curve , by Richard Herrnstein and
Charles Murray, 1994, 845 pp.. $21.00. Wonderful arrangement of
data, social theorizing, and explanations of statistics. And it has
survived extraordinarily ferocious attacks.
- 2. The offset screwdriver. A wonderful,
cheap, idea for tightening screws at odd angles.
- 3. Paw-paws. A great American fruit, something
like bananas and pears, that grows in the Indiana woods in paw-paw
patches. Walnuts and hickory nuts, too, while we're talking of fall
- 4.
The Mormon Murders , by Steven Naifeh and Gregory
Smith, 1988. $5.59. A good journalistic book about defrauding the
Mormon Church and blowing up people. Equally good on the psychology
of con men and Mormons.
- 5.
Creeds of the Churches , ed. John Leith, 1982
(3rd edition). $26.00. In one paperback volume, the basic beliefs
of many churches.
- 6.
Street Atlas. A CD-ROM that will locate the exact
block you want to visit and allow you to print out the map. It even
will find the 812-331-xxxx exchange area for you. (OBSOLETE IN 2003)
- 7. STATA.
An econometric package for doing nonlinear regressions that is easy to
use and extremely well-engineered. Actually, items (2), (8), and
(9) on this list all give one that feeling of the satisfaction of
something well-designed.
- 8. Ray Stevens, His All-Time Greatest Comic Hits.
A cassette that combines clever words with clever music and
style, very much like Tom Lehrer except sophisticatedly
unsophisticated, instead of unsophisticatedly sophisticated.
- 9. The ZipDrive. Like an external,
portable (1 pound) floppy drive----but with 100 Meg floppies. 200
dollars and 20 dollars per disk or less, so this is the cheapest
storage around. For a PC magazine review and a link to Iomega's
homepage, go to
- 10. Winston Churchill, Marlborough: His Life and
Times, 1934. Now you see how he knew how to run a
coalition, and why he understood being booted out in `45. This is a
hard book to find, though.
- 11.
CS Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms , 1958.
$7.20. This book brings the Psalms to life and has a few things to
say about theology and exegesis too.
- 12. Belle-Vue Gueuze lambic ale. This beer,
naturally fermented in Belgium and aged three years, is mild and
good, very oaky, and not too sour despite the intentional souring by
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Rasmusen Recommended Books page.
Last updated: December 17, 2003. All prices subject to change.
Maintained by Eric Rasmusen, Erasmuse@Indiana.edu .