The South Griffy Neighborhood Association, May 11, 2002
LATEST NEWS: The Schneider property division into three parcels was
by the plat committee on November 5, 2001.
The deannexation suit lost in the Indiana Court of Appeals on January
11, 2002. The court said that the City did fail to carry out its
annexation fiscal plan, but had a good enough justification for
failing--- the high cost (3 times the city's estimate in the fiscal
plan) and the resulting unwillingness of the residents to pay for the
sewer. You can find the state decision in Salmon et al. vs. City
of Bloomington
The South Griffy Neighborhood Association was founded in November
1998 so that people living in Bloomington between the Bypass and
Lake Griffy would have a way to let their neighbors know about their
concerns and to organize efforts to maintain and improve the
- The South Griffy Neighborhood Association by-laws .
- Our newsletter is the Lakeside News. To view the Acrobat PDF
(*.pdf) files
of it below, you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat PDF
Reader if you do not have it on your computer already.
- Lakeside News 1-1, Fall 1998
(water line,
- Lakeside News 2-1, February 1999 (sewer,
- Lakeside News 2-2, April 1999
- Lakeside News 2-3, November 1999
- Lakeside News 3-1, May 2000 (dog,
- Lakeside News 3-2, November 2000
annexation, By-Pass widening, speeders)
- Lakeside News 4-1, April-May 2001 (traffic
report, street parking)
- Lakeside News 4-2, October 2001
- A map of most of the
- Eric Rasmusen (President)
[email protected], 331-0012
- Betty Fitzsimmons (Vice president)
- Pat Ballew (Treasurer) 323-0247
- Sybil Eakin (Secretary, newsletter) [email protected],339-8515
- Block captains:
- Bob Fleetwood, 332-5044
- Jim Morgan, 1243 East Matlock Road, 332-8709.
- Dick Lawson, 332-7419
- Past Officers
- Jason Banach (City Council, District II)
[email protected],
P.O. Box
Bloomington, IN 47407,
(H) (812) 337-0204
(W) (812) 349-3409.
- John Fernandez (Mayor) [email protected],,
Office of the Mayor,
401 North Morton Street,
Suite 210,
Bloomington, Indiana 47404;
Send comments to Webmaster Eric Rasmusen at
[email protected].