May 6, 2003 Dear Fellow Law Students: As school ends and some of us graduate, the Law School's admission policy is probably the last thing any of us care about. Nonetheless, after the controversy raised by the Michigan case, I think it is important to share with you the enclosed internal documents before you depart. The IU University Counsel recently produced these documents months after I first requested them from the Law School administration and only after I was compelled to file a formal complaint with the State due to IU's failure to submit a timely response consistent with the State's Open Records Law. The documents need no interpretation or summary. But to follow them, it may help to know that Pat Clark is the Director of Admissions, Frank Motley was the Dean of Admissions, an LSAT of 160 meant roughly the 83rd percentile of all test takers and an LSAT of 145 meant roughly the 28th percentile. The documents raise serious doubt about the description of the Law School's admission policy set forth in the Law School's brief to the United States Supreme Court in Grutter v. University ofMichigan. The documents also serve, in large part, to vindicate Law Professor Robert Heidt, who, in a December piece in the Indianapolis Star, brought to the attention of the public the extreme measures the Law School has been taking to achieve its diversity objectives and was subsequently assailed by Dean Robel, Professors Stake and Brown, the BLSA, and the SLA, among others. But now you can judge for yourselves. Sincerely, Scott M. Dillon (scmdillo(! Member of the Graduating Class of 2003 *For further relevant reading, see the following: files/dillon1html ("Quotas at IU Law?") files/dillon3.html (Concerning attack on Heidt in the IDS) (Concerning IU Law's Amicus Brief in Grutter) (Concerning IU Law's Amicus Brief in Grutter) (Concerning IU Law's Amicus Brief in Grutter) action/aff.htm. (Concerning IU Law's admissions policies) *Of note, much of this information was earlier provided to each member of each year's student law association, with the aspiration that those individuals might share the information with those they are entrusted to represent. Unfortunately, the release of this information was never formally provided to the student body, and thus, it is now being disbursed in this manner. INDIANA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY COUNSEL Bryan Hall 211 107 South Indiana Avenue Bloomington, Indiana 474057000 8128559739 Fax: 8128550678 April 7, 2003 Scott M. Dillon 408 South Dunn Street #12 Bloomington, IN 47401 Re: Open Records Act Request Dear Mr. Dillon: I have enclosed copies of documents that are responsive to your request under the open records act for records containing: (1) the yearly average LSAT and GPA, from the 1990/91 academic year through the present, for the following groups: (a) minorities, (b) nonminorities, (c) residents, (d) nonresidents, (e) Blacks, (f) Hispanics, and (g) Asians. As I mentioned in my February 7 letter, the Law School does not have such records for the 200001, 200102, and 200203 academic years. The enclosed records have been redacted to remove information outside the scope of your request. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents. Sincerely, r Associate University Counsel BEC:acw Encl. cc: Lauren Robel, Dean, Indiana UniversityBloomington School of Law INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Admissions Committee From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: November 2, 1999 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 203 Number of Minorities1 36(18%) Black 17 Hispanic 10 Asian 9 Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 150 3.21 Black 146 3.27 Hispanic 152 3.31 Asian 154 3.31 Entering Class2 157 3.31 Entering Class3 159 3.32 Resident2 158 3.42 Resident3 159 3.44 NonResident2 156 3.18 NonResident3 159 3.17 _________________________________ 1 Including foreign students. 2 Including minorities: 3 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Admissions Committee From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: October 21, 1998 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 212 Number of Minorities 30(14%) Black 14 Hispanic 6 Asian 10 Avg. Avg. LSAT GPA Minorities 152 3.17 Black 146 3.08 Hispanic 154 3.53 Asian 160 3.07 Entering Class1 159 3.27 Entering Class2 160 3.29 Resident1 160 3.35 Resident2 160 3.36 NonResident1 158 3.18 NonResident2 160 3.18 _____________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Admissions Committee From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/ Annual Report Date: November 7, 1997 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled. 205 . Number of Minorities 32(16%) Black 14 Hispanic 7 Asian 10 Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 150 3.16 Black 148 2.99 Hispanic 147 3.34 Asian 157 3.24 Entering Class1 159 3.32 Entering Claas2 160 3.35 Resident1 Resident2 NonResident1 NonResident2 ___________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Frank Motley From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: November 17, 1996 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 227 Number of Minorities 40 (18%) Black 16 (40%) Hispanic 8 (20%) Asian 16 (40%) Avg. Avg. LSAT GPA Minorities 151 3.12 Black 148 3.06 Hispanic 148 3.06 Asian 155 3.21 Entering Class1 158 3.38 Entering Class2 159 3.43 Resident1 Resident2 Non-Resident1 Non-Resident2 _______________ 1 Including minorities 2 Excluding minorities INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Frank Motley From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: November 3, 1995 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 210 Number of Minorities 49(23%) Black 23(47%) Hispanic 15(31%) Asian 11(22%) Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 149 3.13. Black 145 3.08 Hispanic 149 3.17 Asian 155 3.19 Entering Class1 157 3.36 Entering Class2 160 3.43 Resident1 160 3.48 NonResident2 160 3.33 ____________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Frank Motley From: . Pat.Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: December 10, 1994 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 234 Number of Minorities 51 (22%) Black 27(53%) Hispanic 13 (25%) Asian 9(18%) Avg. LSAT Avg, GPA Minorities 149 3.06 Black 14 2.9 9 Hispanic 154 3.07 Asian 153 3.28 Entering Class1 159 3.39 Entering Class2 160 3.47 Resident1 161 3.51 NonResident2 160 3.41 ____________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Frank Motley From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: November 5, 1993 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 209 Number of Minorities 47 (22%) Black 24 (51%) Hispanic 10(21%) Asian 13(28%) Avg. Avg. LSAT GPA Minorities 150 3.13 Black 145 2.99 Hispanic 154 3.15 Asian 158 3.38 Entering Class1 158 3.38 Entering C1ass2 160 3.46 Resident2 NonResident2 ____________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To: Frank Motley From: Pat Clark Subj: StatisticaVAnnual Report Date: October 26, 1992 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 206 Number of Minorities 52(25%) Black 28 (54%) Hispanic 11 (21%) Asian 12 (23%) Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 150 3.03 Black 145 2.92 Hispanic 152 3.07 Asian 160 3.22 Entering Class1 158 3.35 Entering Claas2 160 3.45 Resident2 3.48 NonResident2 3.45 ____________________ 1 Including minorities. 2 Excluding minorities. To: Frank Motley From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical /Annual Report Date: October 2, 1991 Additional Statistics Number of Students Enrolled 207 Number of Minorities 30 Black 17 (57%) Hispanic 6 (20%) Asian 7 (23%) Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 32 2.91 Black 30 2.71 Hispanic 34 3.08 Asian 38 3.24 Entering Class5 38 3.32 Entering Class6 39 3.39 ___________________ 5 Including minorities. 6 Excluding minorities. INDIANA UNIVERSITY Interdepartmental Communication To. Karen Cutright From: Pat Clark Subj: Statistical/Annual Report Date: October 1, 1990 Additional Statistics Number o( Students Enrolled 21.2 Number of Minorities 28 Black 12 (42%) Hispanic 8 (29%) Asian 8 (29%) Avg. LSAT Avg. GPA Minorities 33 2.89 Black 29 2.54 Hispanic 37 3.04 Asian 36 3.15 Entering Class3 38 3.28 Entering Class4 39 3.35 3. Including minorities. 4. Excluding minorities.