ק Saudi Corruption of American Intelligence: A Theoretical Prediction. How many of our intelligence agents are undetected employees of foreign powers? Instapundit said on January 2,
UPDATE: A number of readers think that there's more to the story than Stewart Baker's Slate piece tells, and this email from William Aronstein is representative: Don't you think it is remarkable that the bankrupt, collapsing Soviet Union could buy both the CIA's head of anti-Soviet counter- intelligence AND the FBI's head of anti-Soviet counter-intelligence for less than a million dollars, and we never hear of ANYBODY that the Saudis have even approached -- with all their billions? What chance is there that Prince Bandar's boys have not at least tried to buy control of the FBI and CIA Middle East desks -- just as they already own State? Wouldn't they be derelict in their duties if they didn't at least try? So we can assume it's been tried. But with what success?
[ http://php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/w/04.01.04c.htm . erasmusen@yahoo.com. ]


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