ץ The Episcopal Church in America Is Ashamed of America. National Review Online reports that the head of the Episcopal Church in America is ashamed of being an American. I guess it's mutual: I'm ashamed of being associated, even if only by nationality, with the Episcopal Church in America. Maybe they could change their name to "The Episcopal Church Not to Be Associated with America"? I've boldfaced the main part of the quote:

... a statement made three months earlier by Frank T. Griswold, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in America. In an interview marking his fifth anniversary in office, Bishop Griswold indulged in a fit of pique over President Bush's use of the term "Axis of Evil": "I'd like to be able to go somewhere in the world and not have to apologize for being from the United States," said Griswold, "Quite apart from the bombs we drop, words are weapons and we have used our language so unwisely, so intemperately, so thoughtlessly... that I'm not surprised we are hated and loathed everywhere we go."
I was talking at lunch with a couple of missionaries to Kenya and a couple of Sudanese emigres. They noted that (a) In Kenya and Sudan, people are amazed that any church would even consider tolerating homosexuality in the clergy, and (b) the local Anglican Church in Kenya has gained tremendous respect from other denominations by its willingness to stand up to the Western episcopal churches.

[ http://php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/w/04.01.07a.htm . erasmusen@yahoo.com. ]


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