ע Howard Dean's Dr. Dynasaur Coverage of Children to Abort Them. Suppose poor women can get free abortions from the government if they are mothers, but not otherwise, and a pregnant woman shows up who doesn't have any children. If a liberal governor wants to give her a free abortion, what does he do? Say she is already a mother, legally, and then give her the abortion so she can leave that arduous vocation! See The American Spectator:

Such lies and schemes are familiar to Vermont pro-lifers. They are still shaking their heads over Dean's "Dr. Dynasaur" health care program which allowed low-income mothers to claim their unborn child for eligibility in the program, then gave them funds to abort the child.

Mary Hahn Beerworth, the executive director of the Vermont Right To Life Committee, recalls Dean's ludicrous television ads where he would appear outfitted in a stethoscope as he touted the program. "Under Dean's Dr. Dynasaur program an unborn child is considered a family member for the purpose of income eligibility for the program," she says, even as it provides funds for the "abortion of that unborn child." "Dr. Dynasaur could be a real Achilles heel for him," she says.

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