ך Bush Hating; Brad DeLong's Democratic Horses; Bush, Bush, and Reagan as Objects of Hatred. Brad Delong's judgement has to be questioned when he says that the 2004 field of Democratic candidates is strong, and strong compared to George Bush.

Some Very Strong and Fast Horses

The Decembrist has a very nice piece talking about how good the Democratic field of presidential candidates is (with the exception of Kerry, whom the Decembrist does not think has sufficient loyalty downwards). I concur. I think all of those near the front of the pack are of the quality to be a very good president--comparing them to the judgment, compassion, and initiative of George W. Bush, one can only gibber about comparisions between Seabiscuit and War Admiral on the one hand to Elmo the banana slug on the other.

Profesor DeLong is saying that he thinks Wesley Clark, Howard Dean, Joe Lieberman, John Edwards, and Richard Gephardt are strong candidates. He omits Kucinich, Moseley-Braun, Sharpton, who are obviously silly-- though note they are not treated as such by the Democratic Party. Judgment, compassion, and initiative are somewhat subjective, but one would like to have some evidence for any of those things, and they are not the same as either "Agreeing with my policy views" or even "Holding the right policy views". No conservative ever called Dan Quayle a genius, even though many, including myself, would say that what he lacked in IQ he more than made up for in correct policy views and consistency.

But how about more objective measures? George Bush was a governor of Texas with business and White House experience, and degrees from Yale and Harvard. Wesley Clark is a failed general; Howard Dean a little-known governor of a small state; and John Edwards an obscure senator in danger of losing his seat in the next election. When such people are major candidates, that is not a sign of a healthy political party. Joe Lieberman and Richard Gephardt are the sort of candidates one wants--- important congressional leaders with long experience and previous exposure to the harsh light of national campaigning. But now, a few days after Professor DeLong's comments, Gephardt has dropped out, and Joe Lieberman is lagging behind the Obscure Three.

I continue to be puzzled by Bush Hating. Compare George W. to George H. and Ronald Reagan. Neither of them inspired hatred. Yet Democrats complained that George H. was too upper-crust and that Ronald Reagan was stupid, the two common criticisms of George W. Both criticisms were made of Dan Quayle, yet he was not hated either. And, in fact, liberals rather liked George H. Bush and Ronald Reagan. So I think neither brains nor birth is the objection. Bush's piety is the obvious source of the hatred, and it would explain the demonization of Attorney-General Ashcroft too. But there seems to be a similar demonization of Dick Cheney, who is not notably pious. Hmmm...

[ http://php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/w/04.01.22a.htm .     Erasmusen@yahoo.com. ]


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