ך Using Others' Email Lists; Game Theory Problem. I just had a political threat idea that might prove useful. Suppose I want to send email to a mailing list which Smith has created of 50 people I know, but he has set it up so nobody else can use it for REPLY ALL or direct use without his permission. He doesn't want to give me permission. My response should be that since I know the names of the 50 people, I can recreate his mailing list anyway and send my message. If I do that, however, any of those 50 people will now also be able to do mass mailings-- he has completely lost control. His best response is to let me use the list.

This might make a good game theory homework problem, since the result does depend on the value of parameters such as my cost of typing in the 50 names to create a new list and Smith's incomplete information about my cost. [ http://php.indiana.edu/~erasmuse/w/04.02.06a.htm .     Erasmusen@yahoo.com. ]


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