04.05b Useful HTML Commands. Here are some useful HTML commands:

&lt; the escape sequence for <
&gt; the escape sequence for >
&amp; the escape sequence for &
&quot; the escape sequence for "

&#1510; &#1511; Hebrew  <font color=blue> </font color=blue>
spinweb -r

 <small> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE>	</small>

<A HREF=" #note2"><a name="backnote2"> 

 <i> </i>    <b> </b> <c> </c>

<pre></pre>  &nbsp;  <p>

What I do in this weblog is paste in both sides of a command (e.g.,

  <i> </i> stuff to be italicized  <i> </i>     

and then delete the parts I don't need. That is because it is quicker to delete than to add carefully.

Some time ago people were wondering why I used Hebrew letters, like these: צ ק . I used them as markers to show that a new section was starting, preferring them to Roman letters because I didn't want to worry about sequence (e.g., A, C, D, B) and preferring them to Greek because I want to learn the Hebrew alphabet. Later I decided that a date-roman marker, e.g., 04.05b, would work better.

[in full at 04.04.05b]

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