06.22b Reagan's Religion. I was too hard on Ronald Reagan on June 7. Christianity Today has some evidence that he actually was a true Christian:

One Sunday he attended, I was doing a series of sermons on the person of Christ. This was on his deity. We spoke of the incarnation and the deity of Christ. There's a protocol whenever the President attends church. The pastor sees him in to his seat, and then takes his place. Then going out, I simply say "Will the congregation please remain seated after the benediction while the pastor escorts the President out?" The congregation had years of experience with the President. President Eisenhower in the '50s attended quite regularly. So the congregation was remaining seated.

I stopped with the President and his entourage. We were walking out, and as we turned the corner, he said, "Louis, Jesus was either the world's most bizarre egomaniac claiming to be God, or he was who he claimed to be." And then he said, "I believe he was who he claimed to be."

Moments like that let me know that he was a believer. I did not think he was astute in theology, but he was a believer.

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