&Omega. MILITANT QUAKERS. Well, on September 9 I said that I hadn't gotten any faculty saying I should take down my website, as opposed to staff, but I actually got my first paper letter today, and it was a doozy. It was from someone in the humanities whose webpage says:
My personal interests include: spirituality and sexuality; Quaker history and theology; non-violence; human rights; social justice; vegetarianism; promotion of the study of the Welsh language in North America; cinema and avant-garde television; anthropology; Kaffee und Kuchen.
He said,
.. I urge you to resign from Indiana University immediately and enter an intensive psychotherapy treatment program. Perhaps some day, if you are able to recover from the demons of hatred that have driven you to assault thousands of innocent Indiana University students and faculty members through lies, slander, and verbal intimidation, you will be fit to re-enter the fellowship of decent human beings.
Wow! Clearly this guy is more in the Captain Ahab school of Quakers than the William Fox school. A pity that an Indiana University professor has such faith in psychotherapy, but scholars in some fields outside psychology still take Freud seriously, I guess.

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