September 27, 2003. &Omega. RELAXATION IN CHICAGO.

Yesterday I failed to post an entry because I was on a short vacation in Chicago, something I highly recommend to anybody who needs to revive their energies. After dropping the kids off at the farm with their grandparents, we went in the next day to hear Eugene Kissin play Brahms's Second Concerto (Evgeny, perhaps, for fussy people who want official transliterations but aren't willing to use Cyrillic letters-- I am an admirer of Macaulay, who with his vast erudition was quite happy to write of "Lewis" the Fourteenth). I liked it, and my more expert wife the D.M. said he was superlative in all dimensions, with perfect timing and rhythm and no more than three little mistakes. (I asked her if she could recall any recital with fewer, and she couldn't).

We stayed at the Palmer House, at satisfactorily discounted Priceline rate, and had good pork, perch, and Goose Island Oktoberfest lager at Miller's Pub and good dim sum at the Three Happiness's in Chinatown. The weather was just right for viewing skyscrapers, and they've built a few good new ones since I last noticed.

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