November 6, 2003. ר IU's Affirmative Action Bake Sale.

I am proud that when students at Indiana University held one of the anti- affirmative-action bake sales that have been popular lately, our Administration did not suppress it, nor did other students try to disrupt it. As the Indiana Daily Student says, the idea of the sale was that:

White males paid $1 per cookie, white females paid 75 cents, Hispanics paid 50 cents and African Americans paid 25 cents.

The official IU response, from someone who I know strongly favors affirmative action, was quite correct:
Vice President of Student Development and Diversity Charlie Nelms said the people who are against affirmative action have every right to protest because democracy allows citizens to voice their opinion.

"When we have bake sales like this we should use these opportunities to try to learn something," Nelms said.

Maybe it isn't a bad idea for our new President to keep Dr. Nelms as part of the Administration.

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