November 6, 2003. ת Volokh Conspiracy on Leszek Kolakowski's Prize.

Jacob Levy has a very well crafted post at the Volokh Conspiracy demolishing Brian Leiter's criticism of the award to Leszek Kolakowski, a Chicago professor, of the John W. Kluge Prize. I like reading Professor Leiter, because he is willing to take strong stands, despite the fact that his stands are wrong more often than not. He is specific enough that it is possible to refute him, something I can't say for everyone, and, after all, a web-log is not supposed to be as careful as a journal article. I don't know much about Kolakowski except he wrote a moderately good book with the wonderfully direct title, God Owes Us Nothing: A Brief Remark on Pascal's Religion and on the Spirit of Jansenism. Jonathan Edwards couldn't have said it better!

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