November 8, 2003. ר Update: Treason in the Senate Intelligence Committee?

On November 5 I commented on the treacherous Democratic Intelligence Committee memo. Via Taranto, we learn that at least one Democrat, Zell Miller, is outraged too, and uses words stronger than mine:

I have often said that the process in Washington is so politicized and polarized that it can�t even be put aside when we�re at war. Never has that been proved more true than the highly partisan and perhaps treasonous memo prepared for the Democrats on the Intelligence Committee.

Of all the committees, this is the one single committee that should unquestionably be above partisan politics. The information it deals with should never, never be distorted, compromised or politicized in any shape, form or fashion. For it involves the lives of our soldiers and our citizens. Its actions should always be above reproach; its words never politicized.

If what has happened here is not treason, it is its first cousin. The ones responsible - be they staff or elected or both should be dealt with quickly and severely sending a lesson to all that this kind of action will not be tolerated, ignored or excused.

Heads should roll!

The last sentence is the most important--- again, if nobody gets fired, we won't see improvement.

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