November 18, 2003. ר Senator Moseley Braun.

The group of Democratic contenders for the Presidency is truly pitiful. The only one with any kind of national stature is Representative Gephardt; the only one with a live mind is Governor Dean; we must wonder whether any of them (except General Clark, maybe?) can manage a government of any size, and then we have the amazing Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley Braun. The two of them make Jesse Jackson look like a statesman. They are useful for purposes of humor, though, as a passage from a Moseley-Braun speech reported by The American Spectator shows:

We're gonna show the American people that George Orwell wrote fiction, not prophecy. And we will get our civil liberties back. We will repeal the Patriot Act. We will make certain that you have privacy in your home, you will have privacy with what you read, you will be able to think again.
Maybe we will, but will she be able to?

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