December 3, 2003. ת Britain's Rise in Prestige.

Not all the news is bad today. A lot of people have been saying that America's unilateral actions would hurt its prestige worldwide. Britain, bucking the U.N. just like America and the E.U. much more, seems not to have lost but to have gained a remarkable amount of prestige and influence, at least in the eyes of the Germans. The Telegraph reports on the result of a survey:

Results of the opinion poll - in which 1,500 Germans were asked: "Which country is the leading power in Europe?" - showed that 27 per cent thought Britain was "indisputably" number one.

France was regarded as the most powerful by 26 per cent, and Germany by 21 per cent.

In a similar survey a decade ago, 57 per cent considered Germany the top power, with Britain seen as such by only eight per cent.

This is not surprising. I don't know why anyone should think that subservience to corrupt and hypocritical multilateral organizations would increase any country's influence.

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