December 5, 2003. ק The Third Day of Christmas-- Ayres and Nalebuff.

It has long been my custom to send out lists of good things of the year with my Christmas cards. I thought it might be nice to set this out one by one in my weblog. They are not in any particular order. Here is the third.

3. Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff, Why Not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small (2003) $19.25. An ingenious idea-- collect everyone's neat ideas for small improvements, and then let someone else put them into practice. The old Forbes columns are here and the website is

Both of these professors are essentially my age, academically (Ayres was a year behind me at both Yale and MIT; Nalebuff a year ahead of me, I think, at Oxford). Isn't it great when you're old enough that you can recommend books by contemporaries! Another one's coming, on this year's list.

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