December 10, 2003. ת A Real Book Contract: Game Theory Anthology Royalties from Films and Book Clubs.

I mentioned on December 5 that my game theory book contract has a movie rights clause. I've scanned in one of my other contracts, which seems to have the same clause-- the publisher-editor contract for Readings in Games and Information (May 2001), up in MS-Word and html. It's up so I'll have an example of a real-world complex contract to discuss with my students, but others might find it interesting too. Here is the boilerplate on movies and such:

  1. In consideration of the payment by the Publishers to the Editor of the following proportions of all sums received by them in respect of the undermentioned rights the Editor hereby grants the said rights, insofar as they are not granted by clause 11 hereof, to the Publishers during the continuance of this Agreement.

      Serialization prior or subsequent to publication in volume form: 20%.


(b)    Translation: 30%.


(c)    Dramatization, film, broadcasting or television rights: 50%.


(d)    Of royalties received in respect of copies and/or rights sold to book clubs: 50%.


(e)     The right to produce or to reproduce the work or any part thereof in books, periodicals or by film micrography, photocopying, or by gramophone records or in Braille editions for the blind, or in tape form, or by any means or other contrivance, and the right to store the work or any part thereof in a retrieval system and to transmit the work by electronic or mechanical or other means for the purposes of digest, anthology, picturization or otherwise: 10% of the net proceeds.

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