December 13, 2003. צ The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Historical Atlas of Jerusalem.

It has long been my custom to send out lists of good things of the year with my Christmas cards. I thought it might be nice to set this out one by one in my weblog. They are not in any particular order. Here is the eleventh.

11. Meir Ben-Dov, Historical Atlas of Jerusalem (2002) $50.00. A great way to get an overview of the prehistory and history of Israel, this atlas is good either for browsing or for reading straight through. Good photos and text as well as maps.

One nice thing about this approach is that it covers the little-known parts of history, not just the famous parts. Thus, this atlas tells of the Jerusalem under the Jebusites and the Fatimids as well as under Herod and the Ottomans.

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