December 14, 2003. ק Choral Singing in Churches.

We had a choral service in church today-- no sermon, but a special large choir and orchestra, and lots of reading of Scripture and poems. The music was nicely done, but I have serious doubts about singing in church by choirs and smaller groups without the congregation joining in. It becomes too much like a performance, especially if it is of high quality or by children. I find my attention wandering, for good reason. Even if the text is good, the music distracts, and I am not personally involved.

How is listening to music different from listening to a prayer or to a sermon? Well, a prayer is ordinarily on behalf of the entire congregation, and so we try to pray with the prayer leader, just silently. A sermon is a lesson to us, and we think about it and agree or disagree, and consider application to ourselves, and look up Scripture references, and take notes. A performed song could be either of those things, in principle. A prayer may be sung, and poorer singes can join in silently. A sermon or story may be sung, and the poorer singers can listen and learn better than without the music, in principle. But in practice those kinds of songs are rare. Where I have seen them most often is in dramatic performances in church-- for example, a children's production that uses song to tell a story.

This is not to say that the songs sung by the choir are not edifying, and pleasing to God. The problem is that they are good for the singers, but leave out the rest of the congregation. It might not be a bad idea to have the choir practice a song, and then sing it in a polished performance, but without any audience. Then the choir would be equally edified, or perhaps more--- since it would be clear that they are singing to please God and not for Man's Praise.

I should mention one other kind of good performance. I have heard some songs in church where it was so clear that the singer was emotionally involved in the song that we in the audience were caught up with it too. That can be very good. But it is hard to achieve, and I have never experienced that with a choir.

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