December 18, 2003. ר John Kerry's Hypocrisy.

Jay Nordlinger at National Review points out the doubly amazing hypocrisy of a campaign by a man whose wife is one of the richest people in America and whose campaign website proudly proclaims his pheasant-hunting prowess making jokes about millionaire Vice- President Cheney hunting pheasants.

On Tuesday, I twitted John Kerry spokesman David Wade for saying -- with regard to a pheasant-hunting Dick Cheney -- "The Bush administration says the economy is improving, but their millionaire vice president has to hunt for food." I thought that John Kerry's spokesman shouldn't be talking about millionaires. But many, many readers reminded me that he ought not to be talking about pheasant hunting, either. Kerry did a photo-op pheasant hunt, and proudly records it on his website.

The Kerry website reprints a New York Times article

Senator John Kerry blasted away at Howard Dean on Friday, accusing him of currying favor with the National Rifle Association and opposing an assault-weapons ban that Mr. Kerry and other supporters of gun control fought for in the 1990's.

Then Mr. Kerry took his 12-gauge shotgun and blew two pheasants out of the sky in two shots.

Mr. Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat running for president, has been an off-again-on- again hunter since the age of 12. He arrived at lunchtime for a long-planned pheasant shoot here on the cold plains of central Iowa.

The article doesn't say whether Mr. Kerry ate his pheasants or just left them to rot.

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