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I did not stop to help a * supporter today. [View All]

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demgurl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Click to send private message to this author Click to view this author's profile Click to add this author to your buddy list Click to add this author to your Ignore list Fri Sep-02-05 01:01 PM
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I did not stop to help a * supporter today.

I had no idea how deeply my hate for that man ran. My lack of an interaction, with a * supporter is still haunting me a couple of hours later.

I was on my home and was on the ramp getting off the highway. I saw a mini-van on the side of the road. There was a lady standing next to the van and in her arms she held her child. I can only assume her mini-van had broken down. I don't know, perhaps with so many gad stations being out of gas, she had also run out. I slowed down and started to pull over to offer her a ride. At the very last second I noticed a "W" sticker on the back of her vehicle and I sped up and drove off.

I feel really bad as a human being. That child is not responsible for their parent's belief system. They are innocent and do not deserve to be out in the heat. (It is warm but not so bad that they would even break a sweat) I try not to punish people for what they believe.

On the other hand, so many hateful thoughts went through my head. I wondered how a person could see what was going on in NO and still have one of those awful stickers on their car. How could they support an awful excuse for a human being that has let our country down and is letting Americans die after they have made it through the storm? How can someone be so blind and so stupid?

I thought that if she loves * so much, maybe he would come along and help her the same way he is rescuing all of those poor people in the weather stricken part of our country. Let's see what her hero can do for her.

I never did go back. I was so upset with that sticker and with the fact that someone would support an idiot who is so clearly running our country into the ground.

So why am I writing this? It is not to boast, I really feel bad about passing this child and not picking up their mother. Perhaps it is for a catharsis of sorts? That would be an educated guess. I suppose it is because I feel conflicted and I am writing this to try and sort through what I am feeling. There are two emotional sides, for me, on this incident and neither seems completely right or wrong to me. Even writing this, I am still not able to work through what happened. I feel like I am floating between right and wrong and am unable to grab either side.

Thanks for listening.

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  I did not stop to help a * supporter today. demgurl  Sep-02-05 01:01 PM   #0 
   I understand how you felt  musette_sf   Sep-02-05 01:10 PM   #1 
   LOL! Love it! Make her a captive audience for a Bush rant! n/t  shireen   Sep-02-05 01:24 PM   #12 
   No matter who it is, next time I will pull over.  demgurl   Sep-02-05 01:33 PM   #21 
   The fact that you feel  jrthin   Sep-02-05 01:11 PM   #2 
   at least you have a conscious about it.  TexanDem   Sep-02-05 01:19 PM   #9 
   If it makes you feel better..  Zodiak Ironfist   Sep-02-05 01:12 PM   #3 
   That wasn't "okay".  patrice   Sep-02-05 01:13 PM   #4 
   It's understandable.....  Waya   Sep-02-05 01:13 PM   #5 
   I think you did the right thing.  Cobalt Violet   Sep-02-05 01:14 PM   #6 
   *blank stare*  bertha katzenengel   Sep-02-05 01:31 PM   #16 
   *chin drop*  Pacifist Patriot   Sep-02-05 02:22 PM   #50 
   *pants plotch*  Blue-Jay   Sep-02-05 02:53 PM   #71 
   I understand, demgurl.  fudge stripe cookays   Sep-02-05 01:14 PM   #7 
   well trust me too many of them  titoresque   Sep-02-05 01:19 PM   #8 
   Ouch.  fudge stripe cookays   Sep-02-05 01:36 PM   #24 
   "Ok, fine then. Can you give me that milk back?"  ComerPerro   Sep-02-05 02:49 PM   #69 
   Tough call. Tell her to take the W sticker off and you'll gladly help  Lastlaughin08   Sep-02-05 01:20 PM   #10 
   I was thinking similarly... "Renounce Bush and I'll help". n/t  stevietheman   Sep-02-05 02:24 PM   #53 
      How is that any different from...  GaYellowDawg   Sep-02-05 03:32 PM   #86 
   I've never been put in that position...  Rude Horner   Sep-02-05 01:20 PM   #11 
   I know EXACTLY how you feel and would have done the same  onecent   Sep-02-05 01:28 PM   #13 
   I can understand how you feel.  Kerrytravelers   Sep-02-05 01:29 PM   #14 
   I would have stopped, helped her and made her a captive  jonnyblitz   Sep-02-05 01:31 PM   #15 
   Of course, make the children pay for their parents' choices  cynatnite   Sep-02-05 01:31 PM   #17 
   I really don't think the OP is looking to ease her guilt  Habibi   Sep-02-05 01:37 PM   #25 
   Examine: Not acceptable behavior at all  cynatnite   Sep-02-05 01:41 PM   #27 
      It's pretty obvious to me  Habibi   Sep-02-05 01:59 PM   #34 
      She is upset with herself. That is why she posted.  Pacifist Patriot   Sep-02-05 02:20 PM   #46 
   cyna....  demgurl   Sep-02-05 01:38 PM   #26 
   It's all good...I'm frustrated myself...  cynatnite   Sep-02-05 01:44 PM   #28 
      cyna...  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:07 PM   #38 
   The difference between us and them is  NCevilDUer   Sep-02-05 02:13 PM   #42 
   I had a "Christian" cut line in front of me to day at the only gas station  jpak   Sep-02-05 01:32 PM   #18 
   Proof of the phony Christian...........  ProudToBeBlueInRhody   Sep-02-05 02:06 PM   #37 
   I'd have definitely done the same thing. I don't know that it is good  lectrobyte   Sep-02-05 01:32 PM   #19 
   I would have to force myself  lapislzi   Sep-02-05 01:32 PM   #20 
   demgurl, next time stop and show that being a dem  smurfygirl   Sep-02-05 01:35 PM   #22 
   At least you feel something  mmonk   Sep-02-05 01:36 PM   #23 
   If she knew you didn't support Bush...maybe she wouldn't have accepted  Imagevision   Sep-02-05 01:49 PM   #29 
   I probably would have laughed evilly at her misfortune...  kittenpants   Sep-02-05 01:52 PM   #30 
   The freeptards found this thread  Mitt Chovick   Sep-02-05 01:52 PM   #31 
   Freeptards: bush's brand of compassion kills daily! n/t  cynatnite   Sep-02-05 01:54 PM   #32 
   Oh, what a red herring........  ProudToBeBlueInRhody   Sep-02-05 01:57 PM   #33 
   Some said they wouldn't stop to help us.  Kerrytravelers   Sep-02-05 02:03 PM   #36 
   Listen to the crickets  Lurking_Argyle   Sep-02-05 02:07 PM   #39 
   I refuse to go over there.  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:31 PM   #56 
   Well, then they should realize she said she felt bad about it, not proud.  Vektor   Sep-02-05 03:16 PM   #80 
   LOl.. this reply is classic  walldude   Sep-02-05 03:23 PM   #84 
   If this douche wants to make money off a psychotic....  Vektor   Sep-02-05 03:30 PM   #85 
   Message to Freepers:  Meldread   Sep-02-05 03:33 PM   #87 
   *Bleep* her........  ProudToBeBlueInRhody   Sep-02-05 02:03 PM   #35 
   Proud....  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:11 PM   #41 
   Unfortunate decision. Understand it was made on emotion, but your  Fla Dem   Sep-02-05 02:11 PM   #40 
   Fla...  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:24 PM   #52 
      I knew you were a good person when I read your note, you  Fla Dem   Sep-02-05 03:03 PM   #76 
   What if  tamtam   Sep-02-05 02:14 PM   #43 
   Your anger is understandable. So many dead and dying, we are all angry.  MissMarple   Sep-02-05 02:14 PM   #44 
   Jesus said it best...  Brightmore   Sep-02-05 02:18 PM   #45 
   well, as a good Republican, they might prefer to be left on their own  ComerPerro   Sep-02-05 02:20 PM   #47 
   haha - exactly. nt  Spock_is_Skeptical   Sep-02-05 02:38 PM   #60 
   I would have helped, but....  Pacifist Patriot   Sep-02-05 02:21 PM   #48 
   Understandable but not ok  demo dutch   Sep-02-05 02:22 PM   #49 
   Well, Republicans like to say they don't need anyone's help. n/t  stevietheman   Sep-02-05 02:23 PM   #51 
   i would probably have done the same thing. anything W is soo contaminated!  flordehinojos   Sep-02-05 02:28 PM   #54 
   i understand..similar thing happened to me  movie_girl99   Sep-02-05 02:29 PM   #55 
   Well, in the future you should just put political beliefs to the side  brentspeak   Sep-02-05 02:33 PM   #57 
   Unfortunately it was all to real....  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:36 PM   #59 
      Eh, the incident is over, no further need to clobber yourself over it  brentspeak   Sep-02-05 02:44 PM   #66 
   Well as long you feel did the right thing  Fescue4u   Sep-02-05 02:34 PM   #58 
   Of course I don't.....  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:40 PM   #62 
   How sad  DoobieToo   Sep-02-05 02:40 PM   #61 
   Too sad.  demgurl   Sep-02-05 02:44 PM   #65 
   if you were passed up because you had a Kerry sticker  nini   Sep-02-05 02:41 PM   #63 
   Sorry, but you did the same thing Bush did to New Orleans  nothingshocksmeanymore   Sep-02-05 02:43 PM   #64 
   Exactly  RummyTheDummy   Sep-02-05 02:45 PM   #67 
   at least you feel bad - repugs and bush supporters  samsingh   Sep-02-05 02:47 PM   #68 
   You were kind.  Sentinel Chicken   Sep-02-05 02:51 PM   #70 
   Maybe therapy would help.  ArkDem   Sep-02-05 02:55 PM   #72 
   You are famous. You made National Review Online  Mitt Chovick   Sep-02-05 03:00 PM   #73 
   WOOPS, Bad Link  Mitt Chovick   Sep-02-05 03:01 PM   #75 
      Well they say...  Vektor   Sep-02-05 03:35 PM   #88 
   Ahem...  flvegan   Sep-02-05 03:00 PM   #74 
   I Commend Your Honesty. It Was Stupid.  100   Sep-02-05 03:08 PM   #77 
   I would have done the same thing...except...  Meldread   Sep-02-05 03:09 PM   #78 
   I understand your conundrum.  Vektor   Sep-02-05 03:12 PM   #79 
   I feel so sorry for you  ferrisam21169   Sep-02-05 03:16 PM   #81 
   No foul if she didn't signal to you she needed help.  gulliver   Sep-02-05 03:23 PM   #82 
   It is horrible that  Betsy Ross   Sep-02-05 03:23 PM   #83 
   Deleted message  Name removed   Sep-02-05 03:37 PM   #89 
   Deleted message  Name removed   Sep-02-05 03:39 PM   #91 
      I hope not...  vazul   Sep-02-05 03:41 PM   #92 
   W stickers and Rebel flags alike  Truth Hurts A Lot   Sep-02-05 03:39 PM   #90 
   Would you have stopped for someone with a Swastika bumper sticker?  mondo joe   Sep-02-05 03:45 PM   #93 
   You'll do better next time honey - don't beat yourself up  Veganistan   Sep-02-05 03:47 PM   #94 
   That is the sign of a true Democrat!  Tim4319   Sep-02-05 03:51 PM   #95 
   Locking  The Magistrate   Sep-02-05 03:54 PM   #96 

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