Main Page

From Rasmapedia
Revision as of 08:12, 1 October 2020 by Rasmusen p1vaim (talk | contribs)
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This is the main page for Rasmapedia. It is what you reach with

Administrative and General: Twitter Tweets and Using MediaWiki for organizing your personal website and Rasmapedia administration and Notes on various things

Writing: How to Run Online Talks and Notes for My Book-in-Progress on Writing, Talking, Listening and Thinking and Examples of Seminar Handouts

Living: Music and Food and Knots and Plants and Design and Software and Hardware

Thinking: C. P. Snow, Good Judgement and Winston Churchill and Boasting and Selfishness and Wokefolk and Notes on Thinking

Religion: The Bible and Ecclesiology and Notes on Religion and The Good Shepherd

Economics: Taxation in China 1650-1911 and Notes on Economics

Law: Notes on Law and Tax Law

Politics: Kamala Harris As a Prostitute and Politics and Covid-19

Miscellaneous: Machiavelli, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Their Friends and Despised Ethnic Groups

Some Useful Commands:

 {{Quotation| }}  and  <html> <img src= "" height= 120 align= left> </html>