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Yes, Minister is famous for the hospital that runs perfectly efficiently by having no patients to slow things down. How about the perfec university, with no students or professors to slow things down? It just collects tuition, pays salaries, and awards degrees.

Do varietal wines, e.g. pure cabernet sauvignon, make sense? It seems like a blend of grapes with different properties *has* to be better, e.g. one for color, one for aroma, one for body. Is it that with the varietal, at least one knows there's no rotgut cheap grape involved?

Just heard a talk by Prof. Taisu Zhang on the puzzle that the tax rate in China was low in 1650 and fell 2/3 by 1900. One implication is that in 1830 conquest by the UK and tripling taxes would have been profitable. Why didn't the UK do that? --because it would have been unjust and the UK did not use its empire to oppress it subjects seems like the best explanation.

This pretty much kills marxist theories of imperialism, doesn't it? How do they explain why the UK didn't conquer China?