Indiana News
Monroe County News
- The Crimson Post, conservative student newspaper at IU.
- The Bloomingtonian and on Facebook with comments
- WFIU (public TV/radio)
Bloomingtonmoderate-REDDIt] and Indiana University Reddit
- Bsquare detailed local political news
Other Indiana
- Mark Shaw: Author, lawyer, public speaker and radio host
News Generally
-, Drudge-style exposes.
Journals of Opinion
-, new as of 2021, a British conservative webzine. Very good.
Conservative Journals of Opinion
- Astral Codex 10 (Scott Alexander)
- Worthy House, Charles Haywood.
- The Masculinist, Aaron Renn.
- The 11th Hour BLog Jennifer Bilek, trans and homo news.
- American Reformer, new as of 2021, a Calvinist conservative webzine. Very good.
Raw Material
Wall Street Journal (IU connection through paywall)
Marginal Revolution Tyler Cowen
and <A HREF= "" > Quillette Circle </A>
<A HREF=""> Warhorn blog </A > and and <A HREF= ""> Statistical Modelling </A > and <A HREF= ""> Economics Job Market Rumors </A>. Leandra Lederman's <A HREF= "">Surly Subgroup </A> tax blog and and <A HREF= "">Peter Hitchens.</A>and
<A HREF= ""> </A> and and <A HREF= " " > The Right Coast </A> <A HREF= ""> Yale J. of Reg. admin. law blog </A> and
<A HREF= ""> David Friedman </A> and
<A HREF= " "> Taylor U. Philosopher and Wife </A> and <A HREF= ""> Matthew Cochran </A> and the <A HREF= " ">Dilbert blog </A>
The <A HREF= ""> Bloomington Herald-Times </A> <A HREF= ""> Fake Nous, </A> philosophy; and
<A HREF= ""> Edward Feser, </A>philosophy;
TOP: <A HREF= ""> Worthy House </A> (Haywood) and <A HREF= ""> The Masculinist </A> (Renn) and <A HREF= ""> Astral Codex Ten </A> and and <A HREF= "" > Marginal Revolution </A > and <A HREF= "">, </A > and the <A HREF= ""> Sailer blog</A>, and <A HREF= "" > Economist Cochrane </A> and <A HREF= "" > Quillette Circle </A> and <A HREF= "">Arts & Letters Daily </a> and <A HREF=""> Warhorn blog </A > and and <A HREF= ""> Statistical Modelling </A > and <A HREF= ""> Economics Job Market Rumors </A>. Leandra Lederman's <A HREF= "">Surly Subgroup </A> tax blog and and <A HREF= "">Peter Hitchens.</A>and <A HREF= ""> </A> and and <A HREF= " " > The Right Coast </A> <A HREF= ""> Yale J. of Reg. admin. law blog </A> and <A HREF= "" > SteynOnline </a> and <A HREF= ""> Fake Nous, </A> philosophy; and <A HREF= ""> Edward Feser, </A>philosophy;
TWITTER: <A HREF= ""> Yuan Yi Zhu </A> and <A HREF= ""> Frank Buckley </A>and <A HREF= ""> Rob Henderson </A>and <A HREF= ""> Charles Murray </A>and <A HREF= ""> Robin Hanson </A>and <A HREF= ""> John Cochrane </A>and <A HREF= ""> Alex Tabarrok </A>and <A HREF= ""> Margot Cleveland </A>and <A HREF= ""> Andy Grewal </A>. PHILOSOPHY: <A HREF= ""> Fake Nous, </A> philosophy; and <A HREF= ""> Edward Feser, </A>philosophy; The <A HREF= ""> Analytic Collective, </A> philosophy of religion discussion on Facebook.
TOP: <A HREF= ""> Chicago Economist's Forum</A> and <A HREF= " " > Taxprof, </A> and <A HREF= "">, </A > and the <A HREF= ""> Sailer blog</A>, and <A HREF= "" > Economist Cochrane </A>
<A HREF= "">Arts & Letters Daily </a> and <A HREF=""> Warhorn blog </A > and <A HREF= "">Sanityville</a> discussions and <A HREF=""> Econlog</A> and <A HREF="" > Dunnigan </A> and <A HREF= ""> Statistical Modelling </A > and <A HREF= ""> Taishoff on Tax </A> and <A HREF= " erasmuse&partner=UofIndiana&org=STUDENT"> WSJ </A> and <A HREF= ""> Economics Job Market Rumors </A>.
<A HREF= " "> IU-WSJ print version (gated)</A> and <A HREF= ""> IU Factiva Washington Post, WSJ, Forbes, NY Times (gated)</A> and Leandra Lederman's <A HREF= "">Surly Subgroup </A> tax blog and <A HREF= "">Vox</A> and <A HREF= "">Lawfare</A> and <A HREF= "">Prof. Bainbridge</A>, and <A HREF= ""> Federal Tax Procedure (Townsend) </A> and <A HREF="">Roy Spencer</A > and <A HREF= "">Peter Hitchens.</A>
and <A HREF= ""> Yale J. of Reg. admin. law blog </A> <A HREF= ""> Charts n THnigs </A> and <A HREF= ""> AEA Journal Tables of Contents </A> and <A HREF= ""> Minding the Campus, University Reform </A> and <A HREF= ""> Boringly Normal </A> (the California Kims) <A HREF= ""> Robert Murphy </A> (economist) and <A HREF= ""> Indiana Public Media </A> and <A HREF= " "> Taylor U. Philosopher and Wife </A> and <A HREF= ""> Matthew Cochran </A> and the <A HREF= " ">Dilbert blog </A>
and <A HREF= ""> George Borjas </A> and <A HREF= " type=%7BBest+of+the+Web+Today%7D&HEADER_TEXT=best+of+the+web+today"> Taranto Best of Web at WSJ </A> <A HREF= ""> He Lives (religion/physics) </A>
<A HREF= "xxxx"> </A> <A HREF= "xxxx"> </A> <A HREF= "xxxx"> </A> <A HREF= "xxxx"> </A> <A HREF= "xxxx"> </A> <A HREF= "">buckleysmix </A> <A HREF= ""> the- american- interest</A> <A HREF= ""> Yglesias</A> POLITICS: <A HREF= ""> National Journal </A>
<A HREF= "">Federal Eye</A> at the Washington Post, and <A HREF="">BWeek</A> on managing, and <A HREF="">Church Discipline (liberal) </A>and <A HREF=" "> RAND Journal of Economcis articles</A>and<A HREF=""> Blattman on Africa</A>and <A HREF=""> Kausfiles</A> at Slate, and the <A HREF= "">J.of Legal Analysis,</A> and <A HREF= " ">Kelley publications,</A> and <A HREF= "" > WORLD</A > and <A HREF="">Megan McCardle</A>
<A NAME="NEWS"> An Assortment of New Links </A>
<A HREF=""> Rants BLog list Right Left Center</A>
<A HREF=" http:/ /geoff reyrobinson. blogsp /"> Geoff Robinsons' BLog</ A>
<A HREF="">The Financial Times</A>
<A HREF="" > Tory Diary</A >
<A HREF="">JErry Pournelle </A >
<A HREF=""> England Expects (UK)</A>
<A HREF="">Practical Ethics</A> (Oxford-Philos. on news)
<A NAME="NEWS">More </A>
- <A HREF= "" > AtlanticBlog </A > (Sjostrom), and <A HREF= "">John Redwood, MP</A> and <A HREF= "">Conservativehome</A> (English Tory , mediocre)) and <A HREF=" ">The New Culture Forum</A> (British, medicore)
- <A HREF=""> Inside Higher Ed</A> and <a HREF= "" >The Chronicle of Higher Education </A >
- Subscriptions: and <A HREF= "" > The American Enterprise </A>
- LOCAL:sfsdsdfsdfd
- PHILOSOPHY: <A HREF="">Right Reason </A>
- <A HREF="">Tim Lambert</A>
- <A HREF= "">Melanie Phillips </A>
- Anton Dean Sherwood's<A HREF= "" >...muttered the ogre</A> (Uni, computer, science fiction)
- <A HREF="" > Sobering Thoughts</A>
- <A HREF="" > Daniel W. Drezner </A> (Chicago)
- <A HREF="" ADD_ DATE= "1070428000" LAST_ VISIT="1072884862" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID= "rdf:#$jEb44"> The Truth Laid Bear: The New Weblog Showcase</A>, a list of blog traffic
- <A HREF= "" ADD_ DATE= "1074899229" LAST_VISIT= "1078713011" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID= "rdf:#$hOBig"> Classical Values </A>
- <A HREF="">Bjorn Staerk, </A> Norwegian conservative
- <A HREF= "">Town Hall </a>
- <A HREF= "" > </A >
- <A HREF= "" >Gene Expression</A>
- <A HREF= "" > ArtsJournal: About Last Night </A> (Terry Teachout) >
- <A HREF= "" ADD_ DATE= "1062686936" LAST_ CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$voNmV1">Little Green Footballs </A >
- <A HREF= "" ADD_DATE="1063200046" LAST_CHARSET= "ISO-8859-1" ID= "rdf:#$5UQUs1">Cronaca </A>
- <A HREF="">Left2Right</A>
- <A HREF="" > Why Not Forum </A>
- <A HREF="" ADD_DATE= "1057592082" ID= "rdf:#$nCvIm3">NAS Online Forum</A>
- <A HREF="" > Skeptical Inquirer</A>
- <A HREF="" >Yahoo! News and Media: Weird News</A>; <A HREF= "" > NEWS of the WEIRD </A>
- and <A HREF= "" > MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Studies Project</A>
- <A HREF= ",10598,513903,00.html" > Guardian Unlimited Politics Backbencher</a>
<A NAME="NEWS">Newspapers </A>
- The <A HREF=""> Washington Post </A > and <A HREF= "" ></a> and
- <A HREF= "" > - U.S. Home</A> and The <A HREF= ""> New York Times </A> and <A HREF= "" >New York Times Op-Ed Columns Archive</A>; <A HREF="" > Star Tribune, Minneapolis- St. Paul, Minnesota </A>; </A> <A HREF= "" > Chicago Tribune</A >
- <A HREF= "" ADD_DATE= "1057592082" ID="rdf:#$pCvIm3">Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) Daily News in English About Korea</A> and <A HREF= ",,1,00.html" > London Times </A > and <A HREF="" >Le Monde </A> and <A HREF= "" >Figaro </A>
- JAPAN: the <A HREF= " "> Daily Yomiuri </A> and <A HREF= "" > </A>, <A HREF= " " > Daily Yomiuri </A>,<A HREF= " " >Japan Times </A>, <A HREF= "">Views from Japan</A>
<A NAME="MAGAZINES"> Magazines </A>
- <A HREF="" TITLE="The American Spectator">The American Spectator, </A> and its <A HREF= "" > Classics</A>;
- <A HREF="" > Vital STATS Newsletters</A >
- <A HREF="" ></A>;
- <A HREF="" >Mad magazine links </A >
- <A HREF="" >The Final Call </A>
- <A HREF="" >Nature</A>.
- <A HREF="" >Chicago Magazine</A>
- Send email to the <A HREF= "mailto: correspondence@spectator. org "> American_Spectator< [email protected]> </A>, <A HREF= "mailto:[email protected]"> [email protected] </A> (no op- eds, just letters), <A HREF="mailto: [email protected] "> Christian_Science_Monitor< [email protected]> </A>, <A HREF= "mailto:[email protected]"> [email protected] </A> ,<A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] "> Indianapolis_Star< stareditor> </A> , <A HREF= "mailto:[email protected]"> The Los Angeles Times </A>, <A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] "> New_York_Post<letters> </A >, <A HREF= "mailto:[email protected]"> Salon </A>, <A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] "> SLATE<[email protected]> </A> <A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] ">Washington_Times<letter> </A >, <A HREF= "mailto:[email protected]">The Weekly Standard, </A > <A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] ">WORLD<mailbag> </A>, <A HREF= "mailto: [email protected] " > Yale_Daily_News<ydn> <A HREF= "">The Times (of London). </A> ; </A >, <A HREF= ""> The Chicago Tribune. </A>
- Op-Ed submissions. <A HREF= ">">The New York Times.</A> , <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]">The Washington Post,</A>
<A NAME="BLOOMINGTON">Bloomington, Indiana, and the Midwest</A>
- <A HREF="" >AJR NewsLink </A >
- <A HREF= "" > The New American </A>
- <A HREF= " netshow&ar= NetShow&sba=Events&pver=3.0" >What's On Now</A>
- <A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba=MSNBC&pver=6.2" >MSNBC</A>
- <A HREF= " mediaplayer&ar= Media&sba=RadioGuide&pver=6.2" >Internet Radio Guide </A >
- <A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba= TVGuide&pver=6.2" >TV Guide Entertainment Network </A>
- Video Clips: <A HREF= " Windows&sbp= MediaPlayer&ar=Favorite&sba=NBC&pver=6.2" >NBC VideoSeeker </A>; and < A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba= CNBC&pver=6.2" ADD_DATE="1025128375" LAST_ VISIT= "1043730000" LAST_MODIFIED="1027029638">CNBC Dow Jones Business Video</A > and <A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba= WarnerBros&pver=6.2" ADD_DATE="1025128375" LAST_ VISIT= "1043730000" LAST_MODIFIED="1027029638">Warner Bros. Hip Clips </A> and <A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba= CNN&pver=6.2" >CNN Videoselect</A>
- <A HREF= " mediaplayer&plcid= &pver= 6.1&os=&over=&olcid=&clcid=&ar=Media&sba= RadioBar&o1=&o2= &o3=" ADD_DATE= "1057592082" ID= "rdf:#$oCvIm3">Radio Station Guide</A >
- <A HREF= " MediaPlayer&ar= Favorite&sba= TVGuide&pver=6.2" >TV Guide Entertainment Network </A>
<A NAME= "NEWS1">Other </A>
- <A HREF="" ADD_DATE= "1057722175" ID= "rdf:#$M1GZx"> l'info au quotidien. L'actualité économique, politique et internationale.</A>
- Muir cartoons: <A HREF="" ADD_DATE= "1058199097" LAST_ VISIT="1058307534" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8" ID= "rdf:#$ELQXa2"> day by day </A>
- <A HREF= "" ADD _ DATE= "1057851499" LAST_VISIT="1057851585" LAST_CHARSET= "ISO-8859-1" ID= "rdf:#$jWGgE1"> Capitol Hill Blue</A>
- <A HREF="" ></A>.
- <A HREF=""> </A>
- <A HREF="" ADD_DATE= "1052710703" LAST _VISIT="1054181307" LAST_MODIFIED="1052710703">The Heartland Institute</a>
- <A HREF="" >F O R T E A N T I M E S </a >
- <A HREF= "" ADD_ DATE= "1082032554" LAST_VISIT="1082124495" ICON= "" LAST _CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID= "rdf:#$OMp3r"> City Journal Spring 2004 | When Islam Breaks Down by Theodore Dalrymple</A>