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Just thinking of how helpful my seminar yesterday was for getting me going. That's a use of seminars and conferences even if you get no good comments (but we did!). A reason to go to a conference even if you know your audience will be just 5 people.

Lindsay Wiley @ProfLWiley Replying to @david__simon Never end a writing session (of any amount of time for a break of any amount of time) without noting/highlighting the very specific and simple thing you’re going to do next. When you pick it back up, resist the urge to read/review/edit. Go right back to the planned task.

Sean Marotta @smmarotta Easiest editing tip: If at all possible, don't send a draft in the haze of 2 a.m. after finishing the sprint to write. Read it once more in the harsh glow of morning. You will find more stuff and much more easily.

Margot Cleveland @ProfMJCleveland Pro Tip Addendum: Email it to yourself so you obtain the "I'm finished" feel and then open it from your email to read as your mind then views it as coming from someone else--easier to catch those issues when not as close to the writing.